
“It seems chefs are fickle. They get offered more money elsewhere, they jump ship.”

“What does Amaro say?” He’s our Executive chef for the Italian restaurant and has been conducting interviews because he does not trust the H.R. department after the last three chefs that got sent his way.

I let him have at it. I want the best. I want the food at the Royale to rock all of its rivals.

I want all the restaurants to be the talk of the town.

Amaro has been in the business a long time, I trust his judgment. But, at the same time, we need to get our staff confirmed and on board. I don’t want any last-minute surprises where opening night is concerned.

We have a black-tie ball and dinner for all the high-rollers, and the food has to be perfect.

Everything has to work.

I’ve hired a whole new team to work together with Gioventi and Julia and also with Amaro.

It will not only host celebrities but also local politicians and influencers who will be paramount in spreading the word through their own channels.

This has to go off without a hitch.

Everyone powerful to the Medicis will be watching. This cannot fail.

The whole of Boston will be waiting to watch and see how we handle this, our enemies ready to pounce.

My phone rings in my pocket. When I glance at the screen, I see it’s Angelo.

“Don’t tell me you’re sick of vacation already?” I say, taking a seat behind my desk.

He sounds exhausted when he says. “Ma is as good as can be expected.”

“That was my next question. How is she?”

“Upset, but you know Ma, she’s always looking on the bright side. She knows how sick Mario was, but she’s unsettled and she never got to say goodbye.”

I nod, watching as Jonas spreads files across my desk of paperwork that needs signing. Our lawyer Vincenzo, an old family friend, looks through absolutely everything with a fine-tooth comb. But the paperwork never ends.

“I can understand that. They were still close even after all these years. At least he’s at peace now and with Gloria and Roberto.”

“I’ve hired Landon’s funeral homes to arrange everything.”

“All right.”

“We’ll set the funeral for next Sunday.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. Nobody likes funerals, and this one will be no exception.

“We will have to ramp up security tenfold,” I say. “Everyone has to be on the ground.”

“Enzo is dealing with all of that. He and Darko are meeting this afternoon to broach the security issue.”

“It’s more than called for. That leaves us with the next most obvious problem, the Russians.”

“Ah yes, the Russians. How is your housemate fitting in?”

He can laugh all he likes but this isn’t funny.

“Annoying, if you must know. I don't honestly get why she’s got to be such a bitch, or why you’ve stuck me with her.”