While we all knew in our hearts Mario didn’t have long left, he’s always kind of been there. I feel sick thinking about it.

He knew so much about this business and about this town. He knew exactly how to run it. Without him, there’s an empty void in all of us. Especially myself and Angelo, we were the closest to him.

“The media is circling like fucking vultures,” he goes on. “What with Angelo returning from the dead, Allegra…well, that’s just a mess in itself that won’t go away, and now Mario.”

“The Medicis never do anything by halves, you know that by now.”

“Lucky I’m from the Cavetti side, then.”

Jonas and Santino are cousins from my Ma’s side. After she was rescued by my father, from potentially being made to work in a brothel, she sent for her sisters.

Georgie catches up with us.

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

She nods.

I give her a pointed look.

She caves. “Helena needs me back at the office pronto. There’s a frenzy going on over the announcement of your uncle’s passing. We’re going to work with Fynn on litigating some of the damage control after…everything.”


“He is a social media expert,” she reminds me. “And very good at talking to the press.”

“God help us.”

“Would you prefer if I stay here?” she asks.

I shake my head but point at her as we turn toward my office. “Remember what I said about my brothers.” I’m pretty sure she has a boyfriend, not that she mentions him much, and that never seems to stop people these days, but Georgie is sweet and I don’t need her distracted by either of my wayward brothers.

“Yes, Mr. Medici.”

I nod. “I’ll call if I need anything urgent.”

“I’m sorry again…about the coffee.”

“It’s fine,” I mutter. “I’m sure Jonas will be more than happy to replenish it when he’s done here.”

Jonas does a double take but wisely keeps his mouth shut when he sees I’m far from amused.

Georgie takes off as I shake my head in her wake.

“Luckily, I’ve only got a meeting with my brothers today, I mutter.” Looking down at myself.

“Aside from the two glaringly obvious issues, is there anything else you’d like to ruin my day with?”

“Where do I start?”

“Fuck,” I mutter, then glance around. “Where is Gioventi?”

He’s the new casino manager, and under him is his assistant Julia and her team. They are in charge of all the hiring and will manage all departments.

Gioventi and Julia report to me directly, so I will have little to do with any of the staff except them. When this place is up and running, we will have over two thousand staff members.

In the casino business, there has to be a hierarchy.

“He’s headhunting to find chefs in time for opening night,” Jonas tells me as we walk into my office.