Her head turns toward me. “Should I be?”

“I’m not in the habit of repeating myself. You may have a snarky attitude and a mouth that needs washing out with soap, but contrary to popular opinion, we don’t just kill innocents to get to our enemies. Women and children have always been off-limits to any Familia, not that the Petrovs are civil human beings or stick to the same set of rules, but the Medicis have principles.”

She makes a strangled noise. “Right, because keeping me prisoner and berating me about my last name is oh so gallant of you. Are you sure you even went to Harvard?”

“Just as sure as the fact I know you’re hiding something.”

She snickers. “You’re getting paranoid in your old age. How old are you, by the way?”

I roll my eyes. “Sixty-five.”

She snorts. “You’re younger than Angelo, and he’s about mid-thirties, but you’re older than your twin brothers. I’d sit you at about thirty-five or six.”

“Bravo, feel better now?”

“If you weren’t such an ass, you might actually be a bit of a catch.”

“Hold the fuck up, was that some kind of compliment? It sounded suspiciously human for a moment.”

“I said if youweren’tsuch an ass, so that rules it out.”

“I don’t have a problem with women if that’s what you’re referring to.”

“I wasn’t. However, if you brought it up, there could be some underlying problems. Maybe I can help you?”

I clear my throat; my agitation must be palpable. “I don’t need any help.”

“When was the last time you had sex?”

I almost choke on my own tongue. “I can see that even though you’re from a wise family, it certainly doesn’t count for poise and grace. A well-bred woman like you should know better.”

I imagine putting her across my knee for that comment.Fuck.

“Well, you’re the one who said I’m fake. This is me, Marco, so let’s chat.”

The last thing I want to do is fuckingchatwith this infuriating woman. She’s driving me to the point of insanity.

And that perfume she’s wearing…What the fuck is it?

“I’m not discussing my sex life with you.”

“Is that because you don’t have one?”

I laugh, shaking my head as I eye her. “I have a very active one. Thank you for your concern.”

She turns in her seat, then lays a hand on my arm. “Marco,” she whispers, coming closer to me. And fuck me if my dick doesn’t stand to attention at that slightest little touch. “It’s okay. I mean, stress and lack of sleep and counting your billions of dollars up in your ivory tower can wreak havoc on a man's penis and interfere with a man's drive. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

I splutter and guffaw at the same time, not realizing until this moment that was something I’d ever have to master.

It has been a few weeks, but not for the reasons she’s assuming. It’s because I’m way too fucking busy. Just goes to show that going without sex is actually detrimental to your health.

I count to five. “If you’re trying to piss me off, you’re not succeeding.”

Her fucking hand is still touching me.

“I’m just saying, I’m here if you need me.” Her sarcasm could rule an entire country. She squeezes my leg, her hand very close to my dick. I reach down and grab it, placing it back on her side of the car.

If she keeps touching me, I may just renege on my promise to not touch her…