“Aside from asshole?”

I crack my neck from side to side. She’s going to be the fucking death of me.

“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.”

“Did they teach you that at Harvard?”

I glance at her, but she’s still facing the window, as calm as anything. Maybe I should be grateful she’s not throwing things at me.

“Trust me, you don’t wanna know what I learned at Harvard.”

She turns to me. “Is that code for dirty shit?”

I grip the steering wheel, steadying my breathing…don’t let her get to you. Switch tactics.

“Who was it?” I throw back at her.

I momentarily confused her. “Who was what?”

“The person who did a number on you?”

I know they did, you don’t get like this for no reason.

I used to be angry too at her age. Mad at the world. I missed my father and didn’t understand why he had to be taken from us. I know how pain works. I’ve endured it for long enough.

I know the signs.

After Lisa…let’s just say I switched my heart off to ever loving anyone again.

And I don’t know her father well. He isn’t directly involved with Aleksi and tends to stay off the radar, but I know he’s not a loving or doting father. Maybe that has something to do with it…

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Really?” I question. “So, this snark and attitude are all to do with being abducted?”

“You say that like it’s a small thing.”

“On the contrary, I don’t think it’s a small thing. But you got out of it alive. You’re a survivor, not a victim, and something tells me your attitude stems from long before you were kidnapped.”

“You know nothing about me.”

No, and I don’t care to.But it doesn't stop me from asking, “So, tell me something.”

“You searched my social media, that shows you all you need to know.”

I scoff, shaking my head.

“What’s so funny?” She sniffs, like I’ve actually offended her. She surely is caught up in this social media persona, though I suppose most young people are. I find it highly toxic.

“As I said earlier, all of that shit is fake, it’s for the camera. Strategically marketed to show people that your life is perfect when I’ll bet that it’s far from that. I bet you’re lost without your phone right about now, aren’t you?”

“You’re such a dick.”

“You’re not afraid of me,” I state.

Nobody in my life, except my twin brothers who I can slap, speaks to me this way.

Nobody challenges me.