We eat in silence as Mama Medici potters around.

Rocco really is a man of very few words. I glance down at his hands, they’re tattooed and so huge that I’m sure just one of them could crush my head.

He glances sideways at me. “Eat.”

I glance up as Valentina emerges through the kitchen door, followed by a guy called Enzo. I remember him from the raid.

Valentina asks how I am; she seems nice at least, though I’ve no idea why everyone is being so nice to me.

I’m the enemy.

“I’m doing okay,” I tell her. “Considering everything.”

“Is it true that you’re Aleksi Petrov’s ……” Valentina doesn’t get time to finish when Marco finally appears in the doorway. She quickly stops talking as he glares at her.

“Valentina, it’s seven in the morning. Can you give it a rest already?” He runs his hand through his hair as he saunters in, sighing loudly, not sparing a glance in my direction.

Maybe he hasn’t noticed me here yet?

As sure as the thought leaves my head, he stops and looks up, frowning a lot more when he sees me sitting next to Rocco.

“Good morning,” I greet him a little chirpier and a little less bitchy than last night, even though I still hate him and he called me a psycho.

He narrows his eyes toward me and grunts, walking over to his mother, giving her a kiss on the side of the head, and telling her it smells delicious. She slaps his hand away as he tries to steal some bacon, and he pours himself a coffee instead.

He strolls over like it’s a Sunday morning, and maybe it is since I’ve actually no idea what day of the week it is. He rounds the table and plonks down around the other side of Rocco, opposite me.Fantastic.

My eyes dare to notice he’s wearing his usual three-piece suit and looks as fresh as a daisy.

Guys are so infuriating. He probably woke up looking exactly like that.

Again, I notice how gorgeous he is, and in the light of day I see his chiseled features and sharp eyes so much more clearly. I swallow down a mouthful of coffee when his eyes catch me staring.

“Are you wondering how I got out of the room?” I whisper at him over the table, when I set my mug down.

He quirks one eyebrow at me as he drinks his coffee. “I’m not wondering since I was the one who unlocked your door early this morning.”

I open my mouth to say something but decide better of it as his mom walks over to refill my cup and pour everyone else coffee, too. I hear Rocco chuckle next to me as he pushes his seat out to leave. I wonder what’s so funny.

“Later.” He nods towards Marco, thanks Maria and walks out.

“Man of few words,” I mutter under my breath.

Marco glances toward me. “I see you have your appetite back.”

Yes, I’ve devoured all of the delicious breakfast quickly. I may never actually want to leave if meals like this keep getting served up every day. “Your mom's cooking is fantastic.”

He grunts, glances at Enzo, and says, “Any sign of Angelo?”

Enzo shakes his head. “Not yet. Are you going to the casino today?”

“Yes, but I have to take care of a few things first.” He glances back at me.

“Moving day?” I say, tilting my head to the side.

Maria tells Valentina to get some more plates and cutlery out of the drawer as Marco and I stare at each other across the table. She huffs as she gets up, seemingly because she’s the only one being asked to help.

“Trust me, I’m doing my best to try to change us being stuck together,” he informs me under his breath.