It should be illegal for a man to be that attractive, smell that good and yet be the world's biggest asshat.

“The kitchen’s that way.” He points down the hall.

“I know that. If your man hadn’t snuck up on me and frightened me half to death, I wouldn’t be wearing my glass of water right now.”

He frowns a whole lot more.

“Do you think I was trying to escape or something?” I add when he chooses not to say anything.

One thing I can’t stand is a one-sided argument, or when the other person decides to take the ‘high road’.

I’m Russian. We fight to the death.

Marco’s eyes dip again. “Not in that get-up.”

I swallow hard as his eyes lift back to mine.

“I heard you call me a psycho,” I say, narrowing my eyes and trying desperately to change the conversation. “And if you think I’m going with you anywhere, then you’ve got another thing coming!”

“Well, if you decide to throw the glass at me, I’ll make you stay here and clean every last shard of it up on your hands and knees.”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

“No, actually, I wouldn’t. But if you keep testing me, I will, well and truly, lock you down in the basement and leave you there.”

He takes me by the elbow and steers me down the hall. His hands are large and warm, as the other one wraps around my wrist making me wonder how good he is with his hands in other places…

Instead, I say, “Take your damn hands off me!”

“Then start moving your ass.”

I wriggle free and petulantly stalk off toward the kitchen.

“Back to your bedroom,” he barks.

I spin. “I need water!”

“You have a bathroom.”

Shit.Of course, I knew that.

A smile crosses his lips. “So, you mean to tell me you weren’t snooping around, pretending to get water?”

“Fuck you.”

His eyebrows rise in surprise. “Nice mouth you have on you there,princess.”

“Stop calling me that,” I snap. “You know nothing about me.”

“I know you’re stuck-up and ungrateful.”

“I’m simply reacting to you being an asswipe.”

“Oh, trust me, sugar, this ismeon a good day.”

A cold shiver runs through my body at his low tone.

He’s so fucking sexy. Mr. Dark and Dangerous personified. However, I’ll bet a dime for a dollar that he fucking knows it.