“Yes, it is. She’s going with you.”
I go to stand and do a double-take as I think I’ve misheard him.
“She’s going with me where?”
“To your place.”
I stare at him. “Angelo, have you lost your mind?”
He subtly shakes his head. “Why not? It’s secluded. You live in a fucking castle, and the men can keep watch. Plus, if she gets lost in the woods, maybe the big, bad wolf will just take care of the situation and we’ll be off the hook.”
“I know you’re not even being remotely serious.”
He stands too. “I’m deadly serious.”
“Angelo. This is fucking nuts. I don’t want that crazy bitch in my house. She’s got anger issues.”
His eyebrows knit together. “She’ll calm down once she’s settled.”
“Need I remind you that we’ve got a casino to open in less than two weeks? I do not need to be babysitting a woman who will likely slit my throat in my sleep.”
He rolls his eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic, Marco.”
I snort. “Dramatic? It won’t be me faking my death in this scenario. She’ll make sure I’m six feet under by the night's end. Is that what you want?”
“You sound like a nagging old woman,” he muses.
I narrow my eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were enjoying this.”
“Why would I enjoy seeing my favorite brother have things thrown at his head by an unruly, pouty teenager who may or may not have the power to bring us all down at the click of her fingers?”
“This isn’t even remotely funny, Angelo. And she’s not a teenager, she’s twenty-three.”
“How do you know how old she is?” He quirks an eyebrow.
“Unlike some people, I do my research, especially when said woman is the enemy’s niece.”
“Did you miss the part where I said you’re my favorite brother?”
I swipe a hand down my face. “I’m everyone’s favorite brother, it’s no secret. Stop trying to persuade me to do this.”
Angelo turns and pours himself another drink. He offers the decanter to me, and I take the whole thing and down two gulps. Savoring the sweet sting.
“Fuck, she’s driven you to the bottle already?” He grasps me on the shoulder as I give him an icy glare.
“I do not want that psycho in my house,” I reiterate.
“Well, that’s too bad, because she’s going.”
“There has to be somebody else’s life you can fuck up.”
Angelo shakes his head. “Sadly, there isn’t. It’s perfect. You live alone in a house big enough to house a small country. You can monitor her easily as it’s secluded; she can’t leave, and you’ll be away from prying eyes. Plus, you’re the most responsible. I can’t exactly leave her with Dante or Fynn, now can I?”
“What about Rocco?”
“I want her alive by morning, not chopped up into bits.”
I wince.