Page 141 of Fortress of the Heart

“My friends,” I say. “I’ve got to call them quickly.”

My heart races as I dial Ana, she picks up after one ring.

“Katiya!” she yells down the phone. “Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calling for hours.”

“I’m sorry, we were…busy. What’s going on?”

I don’t wait for her to answer.

I see him before she even says the words I’m dreading:They know.

Marco’s eyes follow mine as he turns and comes face to face with Dimitri.

“Too late,” I say to Ana. “I’ll call you back.”

I wonder where the fuck Maxim is, but right now, I’m praying for a small miracle that Dimitri came alone, not that this is any comfort.

Marco shifts to stand protectively in front of me.

I’ve been so hyped up on adrenaline that I haven’t honestly stopped to consider the consequences of what I’ve done.

I’m in deep shit, but still, I can’t seem to regret the decision.

“Dimki?” I whisper.

Of course, Marco knows exactly who he is.

“I’ve come to take you home,” he growls, eyeing Marco.

The pair of them size each other up as I move to stand in front of Marco before one of them throws the first punch.

“How did you find me?” I shake my head.

He rolls his eyes. “Once we realized you were missing, it doesn’t take much to track where you are through your phone, Katiya. I’m only going to say this once. Get. Over. Here. Now.”

“She’s not going anywhere with you,” Marco spits as my heart beats wildly.

He ignores Marco and looks at me. “Why, Katiya?”

“I…I wanted to see him…he was the one, Dimki, he was the one who saved me.”

His face tells me he doesn’t understand. But, this is his job. His job was to protect me, and I disobeyed. I see the annoyance on his face and I almost feel bad for going against him.

But this was too important to me.

“Aleksi will not be happy,” he says.

“Keep Aleksi out of this,” Marco warns. “Katiya has done nothing wrong.”

Dimitri chuckles darkly. “She’s done nothing wrong? Sleeping with the enemy?” He turns his gaze back on me. “Or are you going to tell me that you came all the way over here for a game of Russian roulette?”

His irony is not lost on me.

Behind him, I see two more soldiers. Back up has arrived.

“Where is Maxim?” I dare to ask.

“Watching your friends,” he mutters. “Katiya, don’t make this harder. Come to me. Now.”