Page 119 of Fortress of the Heart

He would say it time and time again to my brothers and me;“You must never take less than you deserve, boys. Never. You marry your future wife for love, nothing else, do you hear me? It means nothing if you don’t have the love and respect of a good woman. Nothing.”

I would nod my head, hearing the words but not comprehending them. I had no genuine interest in that kind of thing as a boy. It makes total sense now, of course.

Most Italian men aren’t nice to their wives, not in the era that my mother and father were married, but he always treated her like a queen. Nobody would dare speak badly about Ma or so help them, my father would slit their throats without thinking twice.

He was a man who meant what he said, and it still rings in my ears and reigns through my heart now that I’m older.

Uncle Mario’s marriage was much the same in terms of finding a good woman. He was with Gloria for almost forty years. God rest his soul.

My mind goes to Katiya. I feel for her plight. Marrying a man she loathes because she has no rights and certainly no choice in the matter

My Papa was traditional in every sense of the word, but when it came to love, he didn’t just go along with what was expected of him. He married my mother because he loved her and couldn’t bear to let her go.

I pull my black Hugo Boss jacket on and slide into my shoes, knowing I’ve got to hurry up so I’m not late. The nostalgia has me reeling.

It’s bound to bring up some things. These kinds of gatherings are never easy.

Today, the sky is gray and thunderous, it matches the theme of what the day is about to bring, I suppose.

Gus comes to collect me, and I ride over to the church with my brothers. We will meet Valentina and Ma there, and Enzo will be with them. He spent many late nights this week keeping everything in ship shape for the opening.

There’s so much more to do that my head spins. I try not to think about it.

“You think it’s a bad omen, having the casino's opening the day after Uncle Mario’s funeral?” I ask out loud in the car to no one in particular.

We’re riding in a black limo with Fynn sitting beside me and Dante on the other side. Angelo sits directly opposite me. He has dark shades on so I can’t see his eyes, but I know this is as hard for him as anyone, if not harder.

Mario took us all in after Pa was gunned down. He was always the backbone of this entire family, even on his deathbed.

“I think Uncle Mario would be the first to say the show has to go on,” Angelo says with a ghost of a smile. “He was proud of what we were doing with the casino, you have to know that.”

I nod, looking down at my shoes.

I know Angelo has not divulged the details of Uncle Mario’s final moments to our brothers or anyone else, only me. It will remain that way. I know he’s having a difficult time with it.

No matter what is expected of him as the head of this family, I don’t honestly know if I could have done what he had to do. I hope I never have to make a decision like that.

“He wouldn’t have cared less even if his send-off was the day of the casino opening,” Dante adds.

And thinking about Mario, that’s essentially true.

“You and your superstitions,” Fynn says, elbowing me. “Everything’s going to be fine, it’s all under control. You worry too much.”

“You all have really come together for the casino opening and taking charge,” Angelo says, crossing one leg over the other. He’s always to the point. “This shows solidarity, despite everything that’s happened lately. I know it hasn’t been easy with the press and everything. But we must always stick together like this, even when times get tough. That’s when we need our strength the most.”

“Especially when times get tough,” I agree.

“Always,” the twins speak at the same time.

I see the hint of a smile on Angelo’s lips hearing them both. As much as they hate it, they’ve been saying the same things at the same time since they could talk. I can’t help but grin as well.

We ease back into a comfortable silence as the rain plunders down onto the roof. Gus easily finds his way through traffic, ensuring we get to the church on time.

Ma and Valentina are already waiting under the eaves with Enzo and Rocco by the side of the church when we pull up.

My Mother can hold her own, but Enzo still stands next to her with that air of protectiveness he has always had for the females in this family. I fucking admire that. He’s like a brother to all of us.

Rocco is as stoic as ever; nothing ever phases him. I think he’s seen too much death in his lifetime and has become immune to trauma. I wish I was.