“Yeah, and what are you going to do about my predicament?” I cry. “This is a dilemma!”
“Easy.” She smiles, linking her arm through mine as I stand. She’s like my Messiah, and I’m so grateful for her being here. I needed this. I’m even more surprised when she adds, “I’m going to help you escape.”
Vaughn sendsme the address of the person he claims is responsible for all the electronic encryption when Rayne was communicating with Mia’s captors.
Not only was it troublesome and time-consuming but it cost us a lot of money.
It’s a job for Angelo and Rocco, so I will wait until after the funeral before saying anything to them. With our uncle’s mourning on the horizon, we all have enough on our plates for the moment. It’s not that I don’t want to take anyone down who had a hand in this whole situation, but timing is everything.
Like most things, we will get to the bottom of it. I know Angelo is waiting it out for Rayne and Mia to feel settled before he plans to launch his attack. And it’s respectful to wait until after Uncle Mario’s funeral.
He’s right when he says these people were not working alone. That’s impossible, we know that now.
My heart is heavy when the dreaded day arrives for the funeral.
I’ve been busy since Katiya left the castle a few days ago, and I’ve thought of nothing else other than taking care of the final arrangements to give Mario the send-off he deserves.
My mother has been attached all week, the poor woman doesn’t know where to put herself. Gus drove her out to Falmouth to see Angelo and the girls before the day of the funeral.
She has never spoken much about the time she had been captured in a very similar circumstance to Mia and Katiya before meeting my Papa. I know the scars of that time still remain.
I also know from Angelo’s comments that Mia hasn’t been coping too well since her rescue.
I partly wonder if Ma isn’t going to try to help her since she has been in a similar situation and was shipped to America in a sea container all those years ago. Ma is the one person who can relate as she’s been there.
It makes all of us sick.
Angelo blew his temper when he was old enough to know the details. He had a very close relationship with my father, we all did, but with Angelo being the oldest, they had a special bond.
When I think about my sweet, devoted Mother, it makes my blood boil to think that anyone could even attempt to hurt her. It was a bittersweet time for my parents because that’s how they met and fell in love.
I suppose it has always been a hard limit for all of us, and why this rescue was close to Angelo’s heart. We will never compromise our integrity and our values when it comes to the innocent. It’s the one thing our Papa instilled in us all.
I remember being a boy and asking him how he and Ma met.
“Marco, I met your mother in the most extraordinary circumstances. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on,”was the response he would give me each time. He never actually spoke the words to me about her being enslaved. He was always protecting her, keeping her dignity.
“But what circumstances, Papa?”I could never take that as his answer.
It always fascinated me that they came from the same town in Italy but never met until they were both in America.
“Your mother was a refugee, a beautiful one at that.”That’s what he would say,a refugee.
Our Ma told us the real story right after he was shot like a dog in the street. She talked about how he was her hero and always would be.
They loved each other. That’s what I remember the most from my childhood.
“You mark my words, Marco, one day you’ll meet a special woman. When you see your unborn children in her eyes, you’ll know.”
I was twelve years old at the time of his death, so I knew absolutely nothing about life and loss, and least of all, love.
It always gets me thinking that my child with Lisa would have been almost five years old now. That’s the part that gets me.
It tears me up thinking about that and about Pa.