Page 109 of Fortress of the Heart

Oh. That.

It escaped my attention. I was meant to interrogate her a little, find out what she knows.

“You’d have to be something to get that pretty uptight princess to calm the fuck down,” Enzo adds, not very helpfully. “She’s full of fire.”

“She’s kept out of mafia affairs,” I say, since it’s the truth. “Her father is estranged and her uncle ensures she’s not involved in the family business. So that was a dead end.”

“Should’ve known,” Jonas gripes, always happy to be in on whatever is going down as he’s pretty much a pencil pusher these days. “I never get in on any of the action.”

“Trust me, after what we saw after the Rombaldi raid, you’d want to bleach your brain and be glad you’ve got a desk job.”

He shakes his head. “Yeah, people smuggling gotta be rough, especially when kids are involved.”

It turns my stomach.

As it did when we first saw Mia and Katiya tied up.

I know Angelo isn’t done with this, and neither am I. He’s right, there was help from the inside. Whether it’s Russian territory or elsewhere, we will be getting to the bottom of it.

We will not rest until all of these assholes are dead.

As we enter the building, I run my hand through my hair and get back into business mode. Georgie comes trotting towards me, thankfully in more sensible heels.

“Your coffee, Mr. Medici,” she says, tentatively holding it out at arm's length, careful not to fling it all over me this time.

I raise an eyebrow. Yes, let’s not have another episode like the one we had the other day.

“Don’t worry, the dry-cleaning bill hasn’t come yet,” I tell her darkly as she flushes.

The boys, of course, have no idea what we’re talking about, and I don’t have to look behind me to know Fynn will be sizing her up. She’s cute and intelligent, if you like that nerdy type of woman who isn’t aware she’s getting male attention.

I don’t think of her that way, obviously. She’s my employee, and I have stringent rules about workplace romance, even though we hired her boyfriend to work the cards table since we need the staff. So, my brother can keep his hands off.

I know the reason they’re all here. It’s because the showgirls start their cabaret practice today preparing for opening night. They’re just in time for rehearsals.

I begin to walk as Georgie follows beside me dutifully. “Give me an up-to-date report, Georgie,” I say, then add, “Enzo is putting the final touches to our security cameras so that better be the most challenging thing I have to deal with today.”

“Everything is running quite smoothly,” she says, looking up at me under her blunt-cut bangs. “The kitchen is sending out lunches today for the team, the sign has arrived, the helicopter pad permits came through, the elevator on the top floor has been tested, and that bottle of port that you wanted that I had to track down, it finally got delivered this morning.”

That is a gift for my brother. He’s been after it for years and I finally got my hands on a bottle. Or rather, Georgie did.

He may need it after this weekend.

I turn my head to look at her. I stifle a laugh as she puts a hard hat on when we step through to the outdoor seating area she wanted to show me.

“Mr. Medici, you should wear one of these,” she says, handing me a hat, too.

I can hear Jonas and Fynn chuckling behind us.

My mouth quirks up in a smile as I sip my coffee. It’s impossible for their pea-sized brains not to find that amusing. “That’s good to hear. Keep the good news coming, Georgie. And I’m fine but thank you for thinking of safety first.”

She smiles. “I think this is a really wonderful terrace. There will be outdoor heaters arriving today so people can still enjoy the outdoors and not freeze to death.”

“Great,” I say. Today may be looking up after all. “Oh,” I add, “Is Helena dropping by sometime later?”

“She’s waiting in the conference room.”

“Very good.” I bark out my instructions to the younger two behind me since they seem to just be loitering for no reason. Enzo doesn’t need to be told what to do, though the same can’t be said about everyone else.