Page 107 of Fortress of the Heart

“Fuck me, is that praise coming from you? Are you feeling well, brother?”

He laughs darkly. He must be in a good mood, and I’d say saving your girl's bacon and reuniting her with her kidnapped sister, after what they all went through these last few weeks, has to put you right again.

I’m glad to see and hear him happy, it’s been a long time coming. It’s a side to Angelo that I never thought I would see.

I hear it in his tone. A bigger part of me is definitely warming more and more to the idea of him and Rayne. In the end, they came together and fought against all the obstacles in their way.

“Are you staying at Falmouth for a few days?” I ask him.

“Yes, unless there are any pressing matters I’m needed for. I’ll be there for the funeral and then in time for the opening, of course. Enzo is putting the finishing touches to the security systems first thing tomorrow. He will meet you downtown.”

Yes, the funeral, the same week as the opening. It’s not like I could forget.

“Perfect.” Hopefully, our fucking signage shows up by the morning, otherwise, I’ll be driving to New York to sort the problem out myself. “I’ll talk to you later, brother.”


We hang up, and I take another mouthful of scotch. My quiet home feels more empty than usual. I’m used to the big open spaces with hardly anyone around, and it never bothers me, but this feels different now.

I’m not sure I like it.

All I can think about is Katiya. It’s like I’ve had heroin and can never have it again.

I desperately want to go to her. I want to see her again, even though I know I can’t.

I want to sink into her again, taking my time, telling her it’s onlymycock that will ever be inside her. Making her mine.

Jesus, I’m fucked.

That’s what is so fucking hard in this situation. I could curse myself for not sticking to the original plan and ignoring her while keeping her locked up in her room. That was the fucking deal. And I couldn’t keep my paws off her.

Instead, I let her roam all over the place and gave her access to the things she loves, like books, which shouldn’t have happened.

What the fuck was I thinking?

Why did I not have any self-control?

But no, instead, I had to go and develop feelings and other shit I don’t know how to handle because I’m so far out of practice. I haven’t had feelings like this for a woman since Lisa.

I never thought I would have them again, not this intense. Women have come and gone, sure, but nothing has ever stuck. The reality is I’ve never been the same since Lisa left me, and I never got a say in what happened next. I suppose I’ve been unable and unwilling to trust a woman since then.

I’ve been blissfully unaware all these years of what I could have with someone else and how I could be in a warm bed every night with a beautiful woman by my side.

Maybe it’s just how it is when you want someone you can’t have. Maybe that’s the allure. It clouds your judgment.

It could all be in my head, too. And while my dick tells me differently, and my heart beating in my chest has a few things to say, I’ll go with my head and try to erase all thoughts.

It’s for the best.

I have to keep telling myself that.

If Katiya is my heroin, I need to stop before I get hooked.

* * *

I meet Enzo, Jonas, and Fynn at the casino.

Dante went out to Falmouth today to give Angelo a face-to-face rundown on Fortress Realty, even though I’ve kept him relatively up to date.