Page 100 of Fortress of the Heart

I turn to Dimitri. “You were with him last, how is he?”

Dimitri has cold, ice-blue eyes that seem like they’ve seen too much. His Russian accent is thick when he replies, “He’s fine. Aleksi has called an emergency family meeting.”

My eyes go wide.Shit.

Maxim is also still staring at me. “Have you been treated well while you were captive with the Medicis?”

I want to tell him I wasn’t captive for the majority, but I keep my mouth shut.

His abhorrence for the Medicis is palpable in his tone.

“Yes, of course,” I say. Nobody must know that I have any respect for the Medicis.

Playing the part is something I’ve perfected from an early age. I’ve learned to keep my feelings firmly masked.

“If any of them touched you…” Dimitri goes on, his jaw steeled. “It will be my personal pleasure to take one, or all of them, out.”

If only you knew.

My heart races at Marco being hurt.

“No,” I say quietly. “That won’t be necessary.”

I have no doubt that Marco and Angelo feel exactly the same way about them.

“Aleksi will be pleased to see you,” Maxim goes on as he and Dimitri share a look I can’t decipher.

The only thing I’m scared of, is the wrath the Medicis may face if Uncle Aleksi decides that he wants to use this as an excuse to challenge them. I hope to God that I can convince him otherwise.

Maxim turns back to the front, and we drive the rest of the way in silence.

It starts to rain; the drops start light then pelt down onto the roof like they’re angry.

How fitting.

Home. Where even is that?

I won’t be allowed back to my apartment for the moment, I’m almost sure of that.

My uncle will probably have me under lock and key for the rest of my life at his grand palace. The security staff who lost me will be fired. Hell, they could be floating in the Charles by now. My uncle is as ruthless as he is clever. He knows how to deal with those who don’t work the way he wants them to.

While I’m not privy to what truly goes on in the Russian Bratva, I’m also nobody's fool.

I know that there are things in this world that I’m protected from, and for that, I’m glad.

I don’t like violence, and I don’t like innocent people being killed. The trafficking ring I was almost sold into has me seething mad. So much so, I’m going to insist my uncle does something about it. He has the power to. These people have to be stopped.

I know that Mia and I were isolated from other girls, but I’m not stupid enough to believe it was just the two of us.

All the while, dread fills me.

For the life I want to lead, for the place I’m at now, and more so, for the woman I’ve yet to become.Will she ever be set free?

My mood plummets.

I know I can’t be happy being married to a man I don’t love. I won’t do it.

I’ll run away, just like I told Marco.