“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I’m sorry, Corbin. Emotions are not my strong suit. It’s a character flaw or a coping mechanism,” she says cryptically.

“You aren’t making any sense, sweetheart.”

“I’m leaving,” she says.

“Leaving what?”

“Balsam Ridge. I’m leaving.”

“Now?” I ask.

She nods.

“When were you going to tell me?”

“I’m telling you now. I gave Reed my notice at the brewery, and I’ve already started packing.”

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t know. Does it really matter?” she asks.

I slam the truck into reverse. “No, guess it fucking doesn’t,” I say before reaching over and grabbing the door and pulling it shut in her face.

I hit the gas and back out onto the street, leaving her standing in the driveway. I pass Weston on my way back to the station.

My phone starts ringing.

“What?” I answer.

“What the hell is going on with you? You almost ran me off the road a minute ago,” Weston asks.

“Women,” I bark.

“What did Susanna do now?” he asks.

“Not Susanna. Maxi. She just fucking told me she’s leaving. We had a wonderful day at the fair, and she took a swing at Susanna for being an absolute bitch, but then she told me she’s packing up.”

“Leaving? Where’s she going?” he asks.

“I don’t know. She doesn’t know. Just somewhere that’s not fucking here.”

“Damn. Sounds to me like you traded one kind of crazy for another, brother,” he points out.

Nah, there’s a big difference between crazy and wounded.

“I didn’t trade a thing. She fulfilled her end of our bargain. I’m over Susanna, and I won’t be swayed to change my mind again. That’s all my relationship with Maxi was ever about.”

There is a pause on the line.

“Maybe in the beginning, but you fell for her, didn’t you?”

“It doesn’t fucking matter. She’s made up her mind.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I like Maxi,” he says.

Everyone does. Why can’t she like herself?