“I don’t know. Our relationship started out very casual, but the more time I spend with her …”

“You’ve begun to like her,” she finishes.

“Yeah, I like her, but she doesn’t want anything serious. Hell, she’s not even planning to stay around long, and I’m obviously not good at choosing the right person. I was sure never able to give Susanna what she wanted. I blamed it all on her, but I couldn’t even decipher what she wanted. Shouldn’t I have been able to do that? And if I couldn’t with her, what makes me think I can with Maxi? She’s an even harder nut to crack.”

“Oh, honey, your face never lit up when you talked about Susanna the way it lights up when you talk about Maxi. You have a great life, Corbin. But it’s ahead of you. It’s not behind you. You have to stop looking backward in order to see the good that’s in front of you and stop feeling guilty for seeking out happiness. You deserve to be loved in the same way you love. And as far as Maxi being hard to figure out, she’s not. She might seem tough on the outside, but she wears her heart on her sleeve. If you listen—really listen—she’ll tell you exactly what she needs,” she says.

“She wants to buy an RV and roam the country. Alone. She told me that.”

Mom laughs. “That’s what she tells herself she wants. But when she looks at that old fishing shack, she sees her roots. She never had roots as a child, and she thinks she’s past being able to plant roots,” she explains.

“She’s not.”

“I know that, and you know that because we have stable roots, so it’s easy for us to see. When the person you love the most teaches you that you can’t trust anyone, it’s a hard thing to unlearn. Be patient with her, son.”

“I can be patient, Mom, but I can’t make her stay.”

“You won’t have to make her. You just have to love her.”


“We’ve only known each other for a few weeks. Love isn’t an option,” I inform her.

She reaches up and pats my cheek. “It’s adorable that you think you have an option when it comes to love, my sweet, naive boy.”

The guys come barreling in, and one by one, they kiss my mother’s cheek before going to the counter to make their plates.

“Momma Tuttle, this looks amazing,” Mike says.

“I made an extra casserole for you to take home,” Mom tells him.

“Anna will be thrilled.”

“How is she?” Mom asks.

Mike brings his plate and sits on the other side of Mom. “She’s great. We had an appointment yesterday. The baby’s heartbeat is strong, and he’s ready. Anna is really ready.”

“She’s due in six weeks?”

“Yes, ma’am. Little man is due two days before my birthday. I keep telling Anna he’s gonna wait, so he can be my birthday present,” he says proudly.

“Are you coming to the fair this year?” Jay asks Mom.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

All the fellas grin at her.

Sara-Beth Tuttle is a surrogate mother to every single one of them. Some of them have known her all their lives, but she became close to them when we were all in fire school together. I’d bring one or more home every weekend, and she’d invite them in and treat them like they were one of us.

The guys eat every single bite, and then they fall over themselves to help Mom get packed up before they all head upstairs for a power nap.

During fire season, I encourage midday naps just in case we have long nights.

Once Mom drives away, I decide to join them. I had an active night and an exhausting morning, and I’m sure the days aren’t going to settle down anytime soon.


“Are you two sure this is a good idea?” Taeli asks as she looks up at the sign that reads Wolf Moon Tattoos and Piercings.