I snake my hands under his shirt and lightly score my nails down his abs. My mouth stays at the base of his throat, and I bite gently down on his shoulder when he releases my breasts and their weight lands in his skilled palms.

I feel his cock growing hard between us, and he raises his hips to nestle it into my heat.

I gasp and bear down heavily on him.

I wiggle in his lap until he is groaning, and he digs his fingers into my ass.

“Let’s go inside,” he demands.

I continue to press myself into him.

“Maxi, baby, let’s go inside,” he repeats.

I hear the handle release, and he pushes the door open, which causes the interior light to click on, illuminating my naked upper body.

His eyes fall to my breasts.

One minute, we are seated, and the next, we are outside of the truck. With my legs wrapped around his waist, he carries me up the steps.

He uses my key to unlock the door while I nip at his ear.

Once the door is open, he walks us inside and kicks it shut behind us. Then, he hurries down the hall to my room, and he drops me on the bed.

I start to kick off my shoes and pull my jeans off.

He watches as I sling them to the side, and then he climbs on top of me and begins to nibble at my jaw.

“Why aren’t you naked yet?” I ask.

“Slow down,” he murmurs against my skin.

Fuck that.

“I don’t want slow. I want you naked now,” I demand, and I reach for the button on his jeans.

He covers my hand with his.


“What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to get you to relax and enjoy this,” he says.

“I’m not a soft and sweet kind of girl, Corbin. Hard and rough suit me just fine,” I declare.

He brings his lips to my temple. “Hard and rough are fun, but you deserve soft and sweet too,” he says.

Panic rises in my stomach as he kisses his way across my cheek to the corner of my mouth.

“Relax, Maxi,” he whispers.

I close my eyes and slow my breathing.

“That’s it. Now, look at me,” he says.

I open my eyes and meet his.

“You’re beautiful, inside and out, and I want to take my time and kiss every inch of you.”