“Yeah. I mean, Lang, Garrett, Graham, and I assumed. I think Mom wants to believe it though. She’s grown fond of Maxi.”

I know.

“Look, however and for whatever reason you two got tangled up, you sure have gotten close. You guys have gone from awkwardly holding hands and trying to convince everyone at the barbecue you were into each other to looking pretty damn cozy.”

“I didn’t realize how much I was going to like her. She’s funny and a straight shooter. There’s none of that tiptoeing around, making me guess what she’s thinking or what she’s upset about.”

“And she’s sexy as fuck,” he declares.

“And she’s sexy as fuck,” I agree.

He clasps my shoulder. “You never know, brother. It might have started as a relationship of convenience, but it might turn out to be something more.”

I shake my head. “Nah. Once she sells her grandparents’ land, she’s getting out of here,” I say.

He shrugs. “Unless she doesn’t.”

I talk him into going with me to grab a beer, and we head to the brewery.

When we walk in, Maxi spots us and leaves the bar to meet us at the door.

“Hey, good timing. I was just about to go on break. Want to feed me?” she asks.

“Sure. We’ll grab a table,” I say.

“Okay. I’m just gonna pop in the ladies’ room.”

She walks off, and a set of arms wraps around my waist from behind.


I turn around to find Susanna and two of her friends coming in the door behind us.

“Hey, babe,” she says with a huge smile on her face.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Just trying to save you from the clutches of the skanky barflies.”

“Thanks, but, no, thanks, sweetheart. That barfly is my dream girl,” I tell her.

The smile drops from her face, and anger replaces the saccharine sweetness.

“What?! You can’t be serious. She’s so …”

“So what?”

“Plain,” she says as Maxi comes out of the restroom door and stops at the bar to untie her apron and hand it to Reed. “Look at her, Corbin. She’s a plain-Jane hoodlum, wearing motorcycle boots, for goodness’ sake,” she hisses.

I watch as Maxi looks around, trying to find us.

“Nah, she’s extraordinary. A woman who can be that beautiful, all natural and wearing women’s clothing instead of children’s, is something to be treasured,” I say.

Susanna screeches, “You can’t be fucking serious. I’m gone for a little over two weeks, and you expect me to believe you’ve fallen for some bar wench?”

Maxi comes over to us, stands on her tiptoes, and presses her lips to mine. “Hey, babe, looks like I’m getting off early tonight,” she says.

“Babe?” Susanna snarls.