
When we arrive at Rocky Pass, I wrap an arm around Corbin’s waist as we make our way to the firepit area.

He looks down at me, and his blue eyes meet mine.

“We have to make them think we’re growing closer,” I whisper up at him.

“We did see each other naked today,” he reminds me as he tosses an arm over my shoulders.

Sara-Beth, Leona, Taeli, and Ansley are seated in Adirondack chairs around the pit. While all of the male members of the Tuttle clan are gathered at the grills with beers in hand.

Sara-Beth pats the empty spot beside her and beckons me to join them, and Corbin continues to the fellas. I brace myself for the onslaught of questions I fully expect to be directed at me.

But they never come.

Instead, the ladies continue their conversation.

“I can’t believe Mayor Gentry is considering retiring. Do you think he’ll actually go through with it this time?” Sara-Beth asks Leona.

Taeli leans in and whispers to me, “My mother is dating Mayor Gentry.”

“Got it,” I say.

“Yes. I think he’s seriously considering it this year. He says he’s ready to spend his days fishing,” Leona answers.

“I blame you for this, Leona Tilson,” Sara-Beth says.

Leona grins.

“I think getting some new blood down at town hall would be good for the town,” Ansley says.

“Fine, you run for mayor,” Sara-Beth suggests.

Ansley’s eyes widen. “Me? I have no time as it is between running the café, overseeing construction at the house, and flying to see Garrett every other week.” She looks at Taeli. “What about you?”

“Hell no,” Taeli states.

“I just don’t want some newcomer who hasn’t lived here long coming in and trying to change things. I like that the valley is full of independent, locally owned businesses. The last thing any of us wants is for them to be crowded out by drive-through franchises,” Sara-Beth explains.

“I don’t think anyone will allow that,” I say, and all their eyes come to me. “As an outsider who just moved in, that’s what makes this town unique. It’s what attracts the tourists. A politician would be crazy to mess with that. Even a young one who hasn’t lived here long would recognize that’s what makes Balsam Ridge special.”

“Exactly. You’re worrying about nothing, Sara-Beth,” Leona agrees.

“Maybe. I just wish he’d run for one more term.”

Taeli finally notices my disheveled appearance. “Maxi, is that paint on your hands?”

I lift them in the air for everyone to see. “It’s stain. Corbin and I were working on my land, and time got away from us, so we came directly here.”

“You’re going to have to take us out there and let us see this place,” Ansley says.

“I will. Let us spruce it up a bit, and we’ll all go out there for rafting or something. The only problem is, there isn’t any electricity.”

“We don’t need electricity for a low-country boil. Just a fire.” Sara-Beth invites herself.

“There’s no running water either,” I say.

“Really? That close to the river? Graham could easily dig you a well,” Leona suggests.