She always hated coming to the fair. She’d complain that it was too hot, that the rides were lame, that the food was subpar, and then she’d find an excuse to leave fifteen minutes after we arrived every damn time. Yet here she is, just to get under my skin.

“I hope you have fun,” I say and make my way around her.

She throws a hand out to stop me. “Corbin, I’m here for you. Like I always have been. Can’t we just go somewhere and talk like adults for a few minutes?” she asks.

“What’s left to say?” I ask.

She huffs. “A lot, Corbin. There is a lot left to say. You don’t just throw away years together over a tiff. This is ridiculous. Don’t you think we need to talk this out?”

Why does she want to drag this on? We’ll just end up saying things to hurt each other.

“I’m comfortable with just going our separate ways.”

Her face turns red. “That’s the problem. You’re content with being comfortable. You always have been,” she screams.

I look around. She has the audience she wants.

Fuck it.

“What else do I need, Susanna? Love and comfort—that’s it. They equal happiness.”

“Not for me. I need excitement. I need more. Look at your own brothers. Garrett is a country superstar who travels the world, touring, and Langford is opening a luxury mountain resort. Even they want more than comfort,” she barks.

I shake my head. “I’m not my brothers. I’m me. I like my life,” I declare.

“Ugh, I chose the wrong brother,” she screeches.

“That’s it!” I hear Maxi yell.

I watch as she tosses the panda to the side and rapidly approaches us, her right hand balled into a fist.

She swings on Susanna, but before she can land the punch, Erin grabs the collar of her shirt and yanks her backward.

“Are you crazy? Do you want to spend the night in jail?” Erin asks her.

Maxi, still fuming, jerks away from her. “I’ve stayed in motel rooms that are worse than the Balsam Ridge jail. It would be worth it,” she declares.

“Nope. As your best friend, I can’t let you get thrown in the pokey over this bitch,” Erin says before wrapping her arms around Maxi and holding on tight.

“Jena is your best friend,” Maxi screeches as she struggles to get free.

“Jena is one of my besties. You, Taeli, and Ansley are the other three,” Erin insists.

“Let me go,” Maxi demands.

“Hell no. Friends don’t let friends catch charges,” Erin counters.

That’s when Maxi stops fighting and bursts into laughter.

Erin joins her, and the two end up a sputtering, gasping heap on the ground.

Susanna watches the two of them in horror.

She turns to me and points at them. “That’s what you want?” she asks.

I can’t help but grin at the sight of them.

That’s exactly what I want.