Unfortunately, she had an early shift at the brewery today, so after breakfast, she had to get dressed and head out. I promised to drop in later for a beer and went to meet Weston at the hemp farm. He has a new line of balms and lotions coming out this fall, and he asked if I’d come by and give them a try.

Weston’s home and the hemp farm are on the back side of Plott Mountain, which lies just beyond the ridge, where Langford lives and Garrett is building the new house for him and Ansley. His property runs from halfway up Plott and all the way down to the river, where he has a strip of boat lifts that have studio apartments above them.

I find him in the processing room with a couple of his employees, the aroma of fresh-cut marijuana heavy in the air.

“Hey, Cor,” he says when he spots me.

I join them, and he explains the cold-press process they use to extract the CBD from the plant and then use it to make the therapeutic salves and lotions for people suffering from arthritis and other painful inflammation.

I’m proud of the work and continuing research Weston has put into this company. I am a fan of the medicinal uses of marijuana, and I’ve even used the CBD oil before to help with my insomnia.

My elbow gives me trouble time to time due to the use of the heavy tools and frequent drills. Weston knows this, and the last time it was giving me issues while at Sunday dinner, he decided he was going to come up with something to help because he knows narcotics aren’t an option for me.

That was when he began playing with the topical hemp products.

He gives me a sample of the salve and tells me to use it as soon as I get out of a hot shower and then report back with my review. He can tweak the amounts of CBD until he gets the right concentration.

“I appreciate this, West,” I say as I pocket the tub.

He shoulder-bumps me. “Thanks for coming by. I’m sure it was a hardship, coming up for air,” he says.

“Coming up for air?” I question.

“Don’t act like you haven’t been spending all your free time the last couple of weeks with a certain hot brunette.”

“What are we, gossipy women?”

“Nope, but you’d better believe the gossipy women in town are all over it,” he warns.


“I heard Susanna hightailed it back into town as soon as she could get her flights switched.”

“Yeah, I saw her in Brooke’s car yesterday. Then, last night, she started blowing my phone up when her keys to the house didn’t work.”

“No shit. You changed the locks?”

“Yep. And I packed all her stuff, and it’s in the building out back,” I inform him.

“How did Maxi react to her calling all night?”

“She didn’t know. I had my phone on silent.”

He whistles. “Damn, I never thought you’d actually do it. I’m proud of you. This is a good thing. Maxi is a good thing.”

I take a deep breath. “It’s not real,” I confess.


“Maxi and I … it’s not real. She’s just helping me get Susanna out of my life, and I’m helping her get her property ready to sell.”

He grins. “You think we all don’t know that?”

I blink at him.

“You and Susanna get into a fight, and she takes off like she does all the damn time. Then, all of a sudden, you have a new girlfriend. We’re not stupid, Cor.”

“Everyone knows?”