“My eyes might have been bigger than my stomach,” she admits halfway through the chocolate brownie crunch.

I take the cone from her hand and finish it for her.

“Uncle Corbin,” a voice calls from the line.

Looking up, I see my brother and nephew. Tucker leaves his dad in line and makes his way over to us.

“Hey, buddy,” I say as he sits between us.

“Is this your new girlfriend?” Tucker asks.

“Uh …”

“Yep, and you are?” Maxi answers.

“I’m Tucker. And your name is Maxi. You work at the brewery and live in the cabin Caleb and his mom used to live in.”

She gives him a skeptical look.

“Are you some sort of psychic?” she asks him.

He grins and shakes his head. “Nope. My grandma came over this afternoon, and she and Dad talked about you guys.”

“They did, huh? What did they say?”

“Just that you’re real pretty and nice and they hope you and Uncle Corbin are happy together.”

“Do we look happy?” she asks.

His eyes dart between the two of us. “You’re eating ice cream. Ice cream makes people happy, so yes.”

She looks at me. “You can’t argue with that logic.”

“No, you can’t,” I agree.

Langford joins us and hands Tucker a cone of blue ice cream.

“Oh, you went for the bubble gum. I almost ordered that. Is it good?” Maxi asks Tucker.

“It’s the best.”

She frowns.

“Don’t worry. I’ll bring you back for round two,” I tell her.

“See, he’s a good boyfriend,” Tucker announces.

She winks at me. “He sure is.”


“Do you want to come in? We can do cocoa and movies again, but I won’t make you sleep on the couch this time.”

He cuts his eyes to me. “Are you sure?”

I open the door. “Of course. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”

The truth is, last night was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time. Being in the bar business makes it hard to settle at a decent time, and I usually spend my nights off dealing with raging insomnia, but falling asleep beside Corbin was easy.