“All I’m searching for is a buyer for this place, so I can invest in an old Volkswagen van,” I tell him.

“A van?”

“Yeah. A blue one. I’ve always wanted one. Our neighbor’s son bought one when he graduated. I was just twelve, but I remember being so jealous of him as he drove off. So, when Mom passed, I decided that’s what I was gonna do. Every city has a club that needs a bartender, right? I plan to sell this place and buy the VW and a trailer for Suga. I’m gonna trick it out, so it’s a full-on mobile apartment, and I can move around easily. Stay in one place until I don’t want to anymore, and then I can fly away, just like a bluebird.”

“Sounds fun.”


“You ready to get out of here?” I ask.

“No swim today?”

I grin. “You just want to see me naked again, don’t you, Tuttle?”

He shrugs. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the view.”

I start walking backward toward his truck.

“If you play your cards right, you might get a peek again,” I tease.

The truth is, I appreciated his naked form myself. When he pulled his shirt over his head and started prowling toward the water, a thrill shot up my spine. He looks good in clothing, but out of it, he looks like he’s chiseled out of stone. Carrying all that gear around really works for him.

What could it hurt to have a short fling? We’re both adults.

“Is that right?” he asks as he follows.

“That car does turn me on,” I say.

He laughs. “Then, let’s go get it.”

He takes off ahead of me, and I sprint after him.


“Are you kidding me? You have a stripper pole in your bedroom. I would have never figured you for a closeted freak, Tuttle,” Maxi says as she spots the pole that leads from my bedroom down to the rec room in the basement.

“I’ll have you know, that is a fireman’s pole,” I tell her.

“A fireman’s pole. Where does it lead?” she asks, looking down the shaft.

“To the basement. There’s a billiards table and a bar down there along with French doors that lead out to where the swimming pool is going to be.”

“Do you actually use the pole?”

“All the time. It’s the fastest way to travel,” I tell her.

“Very cool,” she states.

“You should see me pole dance,” I say as I pass her to place the pile of folded cardboard boxes on the bed.

She laughs as she watches me.

“Okay, put me to work. Where do I start?”

I point to the walk-in. “Right there.”

We start an assembly line of me taping the boxes together and passing them off to her. Then, she fills them and passes them back for me to tape closed and take to the utility building.