“What’s up, buddy?” I ask.

“Dad said to come wake you up and tell you breakfast is ready,” he says.

Morris talked me into staying the night in Langford’s guest room instead of him having to haul me all the way to my house on the other side of town.

I sit up and sling my legs over the edge of the bed.

“Why are you wearing that?” he asks.

I look down and see that I’m still fully dressed, including my boots.

“What? You don’t wear clothes to bed?” I ask him.

He giggles. “No, silly. I wear pajamas.”

I nod. “I bet that’s a lot more comfortable. I’m going to have to try that next time.”

Langford calls his name, and Tucker turns and sprints from the room.

I stand and make my way to the attached bathroom. For as much as we drank last night, I feel pretty good. Thank goodness Langford forced me to eat half a frozen pizza before I passed out.

I splash cold water on my face and grab a towel to dry off. When I look in the mirror, flashes of last night start coming to me.


What the hell did I agree to? Surely, she wasn’t serious.

Was she?

I stick my hand in my pocket and fish out the crumpled napkin with her phone number, and then I grab my phone and add her to my Contacts.

I text her.

Good morning, Maxi. This is Corbin. Were you drunk last night? Because I think you agreed to go out with me, and it might have been the Jameson talking.

I hit Send and go in search of coffee.

Langford is standing at the stove, loading bacon onto a plate when I enter the kitchen. When he spots me, he chuckles.

“You look like shit,” he points out.

“My brothers got me wasted last night and then let me pass out in my clothes,” I say.

“Assholes,” he utters as he sets a plateful of bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me.

“Coffee?” I ask.

“The pot’s on the table. Tucker’s already in the dining room, setting the table.”

I take my plate and join the boy who has laid out place mats, utensils, and mugs for the three of us. A basket of hot biscuits and a tub of butter are in the center of the table with a coffee carafe and cream and sugar.

“Thanks, buddy,” I say as I tousle his hair.

Sitting at the chair in front of the pot, I grab it and fill my mug.

Once Langford and Tucker are seated, we dig in.

“So, you and Maxi?” Langford asks.