His eyebrows shoot up.

“Amy Jo? Are you Candice’s granddaughter?”

I smile.

“Yes, sir. I’m Maxine Bufton, but everyone calls me Maxi.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. You look just like your grandmother.”

“Do I?”

“You sure do. Nobody’s ever told you that before?” he asks.

I shake my hand.

“Well, I knew her as a girl and you’re her spit’n image,” he chokes out.

That makes me smile.

“Is Amy Jo with you?” he asks.

The smile drops from my lips.

“No. I’m here to spread her ashes and to put the property she inherited from my grandparents up for sale,” I inform him.

His brows furrow.


I nod.

“Yes, sir, she passed away. Cancer.”

“My God, she was just a baby,” he mumbles, before turning on his heels and stomping off toward the front of the store.

I place the rod carefully back on the rack and follow after him. I didn’t intend to upset him, I just wanted to drop in and say hello to the only relative I have in town.

He stops dead and turns back to me. I skid to a halt just shy of barreling into him.

“You want some boiled peanuts?” he asks, curiously.

I step back.

“Boiled peanuts?”

“Did I stutter? Yeah. Boiled peanuts,” he repeats.

“I’m not hungry, but thank you.”

He scowls.

“She’s not hungry. You don’t eat boiled peanuts because you’re hungry,” he mutters to himself as he turns and continues to walk.

He stops behind an old desk.

“You talking about selling Cliff’s old place down by the water?”

“That’s the one. I’m fixing it up a bit and putting it on the market.”