Page 18 of The Devil's Curve

Speaking of which, right after Josie sent the text to Steph, the doors to the club opened and in came some of the Back Down Devil MC guys.

The moment Josie saw Hawk step into the club, look left to right, obviously looking for trouble or for any of their hated enemies in the club, she stiffened and felt her heart instantly begin to pound. There was just something about seeing them in their cuts, knowing what they were capable of. In some ways, they were good guys. They believed in their own set of rules and lived by them to the death. The problem was that their set of rules went against almost everything society had established. But that was the point of being an outlaw, wasn’t it?

Behind the bar, Josie watched as Hawk was followed by Brett and Jason. Then came Levi and Reese.

Seeing Reese made Josie suck in a breath and bite her lip. She didn’t like the effect he still had on her. He was taller, built with muscle that was meant for protection and loving, his hair messy and his eyes dark, unforgiving, yet deadly sexy. He looked right at her and gave a quick nod.

She waved, smirking, but that faded quickly.

The bartender who was working, Parker, walked up to her.

“What’s the plan for these guys?” he asked as he dried a glass in his hands.

“We’re good,” Josie said. “Keep an eye on how much they order and let me know if it gets out of hand. If you see anyone from the other clubs come in, find me right away.”

“Jesus,” Parker whispered. “I hate this part of the job. They act like they own the place.”

Josie looked at Parker. “Believe me, they do.”

Before Josie could get out of sight, Levi and Reese set their sights on the bar and were approaching. Hawk was already at the other bar, clamping a hand to a shoulder of two different men. He leaned down and said something. Whatever it was, it was impactful enough that the two men quickly jumped back, giving Hawk some space. On stage was Caramel, a name that matched her beautiful skin and the smoothness of her voice. Hawk reached up and motioned with his fingers for her to lower down. She did as she was told and Hawk turned his head, letting her plant a kiss on his cheek. This was a bigno-noin the club, but not when the MC was here.

Hawk quickly grabbed Caramel and had her in his arms. She let out a playful yell as she put her arms around his neck.

“That’s not going to work,” Josie said to Levi.

“Hello to you too,” Levi said.

“Seriously,” Josie said.

“Take it easy, sweetheart,” Reese said. He grinned and winked.

He turned and stuck his fingers into his mouth and whistled. That got Hawk’s attention and Reese put his thumb to his neck and swiped across.

Hawk was quick to throw the finger at Reese.

Josie swallowed hard.

Reese didn’t back down from anything or anyone. Ever. It was really sexy most of the time… but other times, it was just a set up for a long night of violence.

Levi threw his hand out and stopped Reese from moving forward.

“Done,” Levi bellowed to Hawk.

Hawk put Caramel down but kept his hand tight to her wrist. He reached into his pocket and took out a wad of cash. He placed it into her hand and curled his lip.


Josie rolled her eyes. Of course Hawk had the cash to take her into the back for a private dance. And probably more. Which, of course, was allowed with the MC.

“Hope you have more help on hand,” Levi said as he turned back to the bar. “My guys are a little revved up today.”

“We’re staffed,” Josie said. “Hope you brought plenty of cash.”

“I don’t think Jefferson would mind putting it on our tab,” Levi said.

“Going into debt for hand-jobs? That’s a risky practice.”

Reese laughed. “Sweetheart, we don’t look for hand-jobs. That’s high school shit.”