“Shhh,” he whispered, lifting his gaze for only a moment, tearing his eyes away from her sweet, pink flesh, only to gaze at it again.

First, he kissed the inside of her thigh, trailing an invisible line of kisses inward. Then, he gently parted her folds with his fingers. A crushing realization washed over him. He had never seen a more beautiful, more sensuous sight that Amelia giving herself over to him. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in big waves while her luscious lips were parted in an effort to catch her breath. He feared that this was a sight he would never be able to get out of his mind.

Unable to resist any longer, his tongue flicked over her pink flower. She tasted like heaven, more delicious than the finest delicacies the world had to offer. He had to have more. Much more.

He continued licking her, introducing his lips into the combination, making her writhe and moan with pleasure. She grabbed a handful of his hair only to pull him even closer. He savored every drop that came from her wet cunny, licking it up. He could tell that she was close to spending. Her entire body was trembling. He wanted to feel her throbbing on his tongue, so he sucked harder, more demanding. She moaned his name even louder this time. Her voice exploded in the chamber around them. She was melting onto him, ready for him. He yearned to slide into her hot wetness, but not tonight. His need would not be satiated tonight.

Suddenly, she clamped her thighs around his head, and he knew he needed to suck more gently. He softened the tempo although her grip on his hair intensified.

“Arthur…” she moaned his name again, and momentarily, his manhood beaded with desire at the sound of his name on her lips at this moment of ecstasy. That was not part of the plan. All he wanted to do was pleasure her. He believed he could control himself, but that was not the case. Her heat was too much to handle.

He allowed her a few moments of composure then he got up, found her nightgown, and lovingly helped her back into it as her body still shivered although not from the cold. He made sure to hide his own manhood from plain sight, unwilling to explain that his own pleasure was caused simply by evoking hers. She seemed so sweetly confused, unable to say anything, so he took over.

“Go to bed, darling,” he told her sweetly, referring to her as darling for the first time, and, he hoped, not for the last. She obediently did as she was told. He tucked her in, kissed her forehead, and slowly tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind him.

He had no idea what he had done, but he feared he would soon find out.


It was no dream. Amelia was certain of that.

She woke up in her own bed, her body still bearing the memories of what happened the previous night. Everything was different. She was different. The room was different. Even her own scent was different. She smelled of… him.

To her utter embarrassment, the moment she inhaled his familiar scent that lingered in the room as well as on her skin, that deep longing returned to haunt that secret place between her thighs. He had touched her right there. His skilled fingers found that place which not even she knew could be so alive with desire and yearning. Now, there was a gaping hole there where his fingers had been, and she knew that only his presence there could satiate her.

His presence. Her husband’s.

Up until this point, she did not acknowledge them as a husband and wife. Not in the true sense of the word. It was a notion that she had been pushing away from her mind, and in one single night, in one single explosion of pleasure, her life changed forever. She knew that she was no longer Lady Amelia Cooke. She was the Duchess of Mosebridge.

How big and frightening that title sounded, especially taking into account the rumors regarding the Duke. But he was not that man. She still could not prove it to others, but she knew it deep down. Her heart was not mistaken. It couldn’t be. No man who could ever touch her so gently, focusing solely on her pleasure, could be a danger to any woman.

Instantly, her cheeks flared up with heat, and a tangle of embarrassment started to churn inside of her, commencing as a slight tingle on her lips where he kissed her, going down her collar bone, down the nipple which he showered with so much affection, only to end between her thighs. She never expected such passion from a man such as himself.

And not only that, but he also put her in bed, kissing her on the forehead. Everything about the previous night was surprising. She had been too sleepy, too exhausted, and too satiated to question anything. At that very moment, life seemed perfect. Nothing was amiss while she was in his arms. She fell into a deep slumber the moment he left her chamber. It was the first dreamless night she had spent in this home, inherhome.

She pondered on this a little while longer with a smile still lingering on her lips. Then, she wondered how they would continue from here on. Should she wait for him to have breakfast together? After all, they were married. They almost consummated that marriage. The thought made her blush again.

As someone who never liked to delay unpleasant or awkward situations but rather preferred to face them immediately, Amelia had already decided that she would get ready immediately and head downstairs to the dining room. Perhaps they would simply go on, pretending that this never happened.

Her mind assured her that this would be the best course of action. It would be best not to complicate things, seeing that they had already agreed on all the rules and were employing them… relatively well. Why complicate things?

Then again, life would be so dull without these little complications. The thought made her smile. She knew she would never forget the way he touched her, the way he kissed her. Even if such a thing never occurred again, she would at least have the memory of his burning lips and fingers on her bare flesh. Some women never experience such passion in their entire lifetime. She was fortunate to have a small bite of it.

When she entered the dining room, she greeted Mrs. Collins cordially as she sat down, watching the food be placed in front of her.

“Is his lordship up?” Amelia asked, trying not to sound too interested, but the smile on Mrs. Collins’ face did not escape her attention.

“He called for a carriage earlier this morning,” Mrs. Collins informed her, and momentarily, Amelia frowned, despite all her efforts not to let her disappointment show. She wondered where he was going. She should not care, she reminded herself. He could go wherever he wanted. He was a free man… sort of. But wasn’t it too early to go anywhere? Why would he go? Did he not wish to speak to her after what happened? Did he not wish to see her?

A million questions swarmed inside her mind, not letting her be. Despite what she tried to convince herself of, she was disheartened not to see him. She inhaled deeply, deciding that today she could see what else there was to be done around the house. That should occupy her mind enough not to think about his devilish fingers and tongue.

“Thank you, Mrs. Collins,” she managed to muster, forcing herself to focus on breakfast although all the appetite she had suddenly left her body.

She took a few bites, drank a few sips of her tea, thanked Mrs. Collins, then headed to the library. The day loomed before her, like a dark cloud standing in stark contrast to the joy she felt upon waking up. She was hopeful that things had changed or were at least starting to change. Now, she was assured they were not. Arthur, at least, did not feel that way.

She entered the library, allowing the familiar scent of books to wash over her. It always had a soothing effect on her. She went over the spines of numerous books, touching them intimately with the tips of her fingers. She tried too hard to focus on something else, anything else, but everything reminded her of Arthur and the previous night.

Finally, she extracted the first book that she laid eyes on, and the moment she saw the title, she frowned. It was a dictionary of ocean life. She almost placed it back on the shelf, but silly curiosity took over. She opened the first page, and realized, to her utter shock, that it wasn’t a dictionary at all. It was a notebook, filled from the first page to the last. The cover was taken from a different book, the dictionary in question, and placed on top of the notebook to hide its true contents.