He sighed and turned his face towards her hand, kissing the soft skin of her palm. Emily felt his manhood, thick and hot, prodding between her legs.

“This will hurt, sweet one,” he warned her. “I am sorry but there is no other way.”

She nodded and bit her lower lip. “Be gentle, please…”

He nodded solemnly as he slowly inched into her tight entrance. Emily winced as she felt him stretching her slowly. Daniel murmured soft words of reassurance, raining soft kisses on her face.

He was so large, and she worried that maybe she might be too small…

But he slid into her with aching slowness, his gaze holding hers captive as he did as if to reassure her that he was right here with her. Finally, he came to her barrier, and there was a look of anguish on his handsome features.

“I am so sorry, my sweet Emily. This will hurt you…”

His mouth descended over hers as he plunged into her, sinking himself to the hilt. Emily screamed as pain shot through her between her legs, the sound swallowed by his tender kiss. She had not expected it to hurt so much as she clung to Daniel, tears streaming down her eyes as he murmured a thousand apologies for hurting her.

“It…it does not really hurt that much…” she sniffled a little later. She realized that her fears were unfounded as they lay there, her tight passage stretching to accommodate his impressive girth.

Daniel kissed her forehead tenderly. “Do not rush it, sweet one. We have all the time in the world…”

But Emily soon found a new, sweet ache burgeoning deep within where her husband filled her. She squirmed a little against him, and he groaned. Slowly, he began to withdraw from her, and she gasped in surprise, feeling sparks of pleasure shooting from where there once was pain.

“Did that hurt?” he asked her, worry marring his handsome face.

She shook her head. “No…it felt…rather wonderful.”

He smiled at her and slowly pushed into her once more. This time, Emily was certain she feltpleasure.


Emily found herself quite fortunate that her husband was willing to oblige her, that he considered her pleasure above his own. She could see it in the way he held himself back, the way his muscles bulged with the control and effort he was exerting.

Soon, they found a rhythm between them—one that had Emily moaning once more, her fingers sinking into the muscles of his shoulders as she clung to him, pleading for something she could not name. In time, she began to join him in this intricate dance between man and woman, their bodies finding pleasure with each other as they sighed together.

She felt the pressure of something new, something wonderful build within her, and she began to gasp as it continued to grow with every stroke from Daniel.

“Do you feel it, Emily?” he asked her.

She nodded.

“Let go,” he told her. “You can let go.”

She nodded and closed her eyes, surrendering to the growing pleasure within her. She felt as if she was a spring being wound tighter and tighter as the rhythm sped faster between them. Finally, she could endure it no longer, and she came apart with a soft cry, her body arching off the bed in glorious triumph just as Daniel slammed deep within her with a roar.

Breathless, Daniel fell over her, gathering her in his arms as he turned to the side to avoid crushing her. Emily laid her flushed cheek against his heaving chest, the waves of pleasure causing her to shudder as he gently stroked her hair.

“How do you feel?” he asked her moments later when they finally managed to catch their breath.

She smiled and raised her gaze up to him. “I…I think I feel like a wife.”

“Mywife,” he corrected her.

She nearly laughed at the sheer arrogance in his tone. “Yourwife,” she agreed, grinning happily.

“I never thought I could be this happy,” he admitted to her, his voice soft and tender. “And I have you to thank for that,mywife.”

Emily sighed happily and rubbed her cheek affectionately against his chest. “You make me incredibly happy as well, dear husband.”

He laughed softly and gently pressed her head to his chest. “Sleep well, sweet Emily.”

Fatigued from the exertion of their marital embrace, Emily could only nod in reply as her eyelids fluttered close.

Her heart filled with love and happiness, she felt as if she had finally grasped paradise.

The End?