“It was actually one of the most beautiful solitary moments I’ve had with myself in a long time,” he admitted. “I knew I would find the way out to where my friends had been waiting for me, yet I dreaded that moment. I wanted to be lost there forever. A single living soul lost among the thousands of dead ones.”

His words spoke to her. She knew the feeling of wanting to hide away from the rest of the world and never emerge again, but she remained silent, listening as he kept sharing more stories in an effort to entertain them as the three of them walked together towards the maze.

When they finally arrived, she knew that she was standing in front of something magnificent.

“What does it look like, Sarah?” she inquired as always when she wished to see something through the eyes of her sister.

“May I?” Joseph interfered gently. His suggestion made her blush instantly, but she retained her composure.

“By all means,” she nodded, closing her eyes.

“There are sculpted vases as well as statues of mythological heroes and heroines scattered around the court,” Joseph started. “I see Achilles, Zeus, Orpheus and Eurydice and some more in the distance which I cannot distinguish. The lawn is shaped in almost mathematical precision. There are lush evergreens everywhere, placed at specifically differentiated distances. Underneath your feet, there are gravel walks all leading to the curious maze we are about to embark on.”

Bridget could imagine it all inside her mind which held a careful record of everything her eyes had seen prior to her losing her sight. The images were all still inside of her, ready to be brought back to the surface with a single word, memory or even a familiar scent.

“I’d like us all to separate,” Bridget suddenly said, surprising even herself. She could imagine the looks of surprise on their faces, “to find the center on our own.”

“Do you think that is a wise idea, dear?” Sarah asked cautiously, not wishing to undermine her sister’s desire for solitary adventuring but, at the same time, fearing both of them getting completely lost.

“Why not?” Bridget grinned. “After all, mazes are to be explored, are they not?”

“Yes, but…” Sarah hesitated to say what all three were thinking.

Bridget smiled, taking her sister’s hand into her own. “Dearest Sarah, I shall be fine. Please do not be like Mama. I would like to try and do this on my own. I’ve never done such a thing before, even when I was able to see.”

“That is exactly why I’m so concerned,” Sarah admitted. Bridget knew there was no ill will behind it, merely sisterly concern.

“Please?” Bridget smiled wholeheartedly. “Just ask Joseph. I’m certain he will tell you the same— that there is no cause for alarm if all of us separate.”

“Well…” Joseph started. She could almost imagine him scratching the back of his neck a little nervously, trying to come up with the right words to say. Then, he surprised her. “While it is a big place with may wrong turns and dead ends, I doubt anyone would be truly in danger of getting hopelessly lost in it. All you’d need to do is shout a bit loudly, and we’d be able to hear you wherever we are.”

“I can shout very loudly,” Bridget chuckled then she turned to Sarah again. “Please?”

“Oh, I’m really not sure…” Sarah replied softly.

“Also,” Joseph nodded, as if he just remembered it, “we passed a little cottage that serves as an information spot. There are guides that can be hired to take you to the very center through the shortest route. I bet they’ve been hired to find people lost in the maze quite a few times, making them experts.”

“See?” Bridget would not let it go. The thought of exploring this place on her own filled her with a sense of awe. If she had her eyesight, no one would even think twice about agreeing to her suggestion. A part of her wanted to prove to them that she was capable of doing this. She was enough. She was more than enough to those who dared to see the real Bridget Beaumont.

“Oh, well… if you are certain we can do it,” Sarah finally acquiesced, her hand still holding onto Bridget.

“I know I can,” Bridget teased. “I am simply wondering about you two?”

“It is actually me I’m worried about. You know how horrible I am with orienting myself in space,” Sarah chuckled, making them all burst into laughter.

A minute later, they were all inside, about to separate. Bridget lifted her free hand as they passed, brushing against soft leaves that rustled underneath her touch. She could hear what they were saying. They were welcoming her. They knew she could find her way. All she needed was a chance to prove it. Bridget’s heart was beating like mad, yet somehow she knew exactly where she was supposed to go.

“All right then, Sarah will take the left path,” Joseph urged. “Bridget the middle one. I shall take the one to the right. Does anyone have any other preferences?” Both sisters shook their heads. “In that case, may the best… gentleman or lady win,” he chuckled.

Still smiling, Bridget could feel Sarah hesitate to let go of her hand, but when she finally did, Bridget stepped boldly into the unknown.

Chapter 17

He was foolish to do this. There were people about— not in the actual maze but walking around, chatting away. He could hear them. He could sense their presence behind the wall that kept those inside safely hidden from plain view. As it was now, the maze was a world of its own.

So many dead ends,he remembered his own words. He just needed one.

His heart pounding, he listened to the sound of Bridget’s footsteps as only a single wall of greenery separated them. She was walking slowly but determinedly, almost as if she herself knew the way. He admired her boldness to even suggest venturing into the maze all alone without anyone by her side. Losing something that came so natural to others which they took for granted so often, it was no wonder then that there was constantly a need in her to prove herself, to outdo herself over and over again. What a beautiful, brave woman she was.