It was her first kiss ever. It only ended a moment ago, yet she felt an acute labyrinth of desire standing in the dark next to him. Her lips begged for more, but she dared not do anything about it.

“I’m… sorry.” His voice was a barely audible whisper. She heard it as if he were shouting from the top of the mountain, her every nerve tantalized.

“For what?” she whispered back. Her courage was still in her, coursing through her veins. Her heart was beating like mad, her lungs aching for more air.

“For… this.”

Thiswas wrong— in all the eyes of the ton, of course, but in her own heart, nothing could have felt more right. She wondered why such torment should exist in the first place. He left her breathless, aching for more, and that very same sensation made her ashamed of herself. Yet, she was to blame for allthisas much as he was.

“You should not apologize,” she replied, her fingers finding his face in the dark. Her heart raced at what she was doing, but that tingly feeling would not let her be. There was a twinkling sensation deep inside of her, inside her stomach, and down, between her thighs, a place no lady ought even to consider. He managed to awaken every sense that had been slumbering inside of her.

The heat between her thighs blossomed into a palpitation. Her heart immediately started to beat faster. If anyone found them here… she dreaded to think what might happen. It was wrong to be hiding here in the darkness, like a pair of thieves. And a thief he was. A thief who had stolen her heart.

“We should head back,” he said. In the darkness, she could hear that he as smiling.

“We should,” she confirmed, saddened by the fact that this magical moment would pass.

We.She loved how that word of togetherness sounded spoken by that deep voice of his that seemed to caress her ears.

“There is nothing I would like more than to linger here with you, without any of the others present, but it would be unwise to do so,” he continued, and she knew he was right.

Suddenly, he surprised her by lowering his head to her and pressing his lips to her forehead. It was a chaste kiss, quite unlike the one they had just shared, yet, if forced to choose one, Bridget was not certain which one she would opt for.

“You should leave the room first,” he instructed as his hand found hers, and he intertwined his fingers with hers. “The drawing room is to your right, just down the hallway. You will–”

“Follow the voices,” she smiled back although she was certain he could not see it.

“Yes.” His grin was almost palpable. “Now, go.”

He turned her with his hands on her waist then she heard the latch on the door. It turned, and the door opened with a barely noticeable creek. She lifted her hand to her face, straightening the side of her hair although she was certain that no one would think it unceremonious even if her hair did get slightly disheveled. She could not see, after all.

She chuckled at the thought as she walked down the corridor, listening to the sounds of different voices grow in intensity. Just as she was about to turn right, she bumped into someone.

“Oh… I apologize,” she said, immediately stepping back.

“It was completely my fault, I assure you,” an unfamiliar voice responded courteously. He paused for a moment, then when he noticed she did not say anything else, he continued. “Are you all right, Madam?”

“Other than the fact that I cannot see, I am perfectly fine,” she smiled back.

Oncoming footsteps approached from behind. She could recognize that fragrance anywhere. She bit her lower lip in an effort to prevent herself from smiling when to the casual observer there was no reason to smile.

“Ah, Seth,” Joseph spoke up. “I see you’ve met our special guest for the evening.”

“Yes, we sort of bumped into each other,” Seth explained, and this time, Bridget allowed herself to smile.

“Lady Bridget Beaumont,” Joseph’s voice was dignified and filled with respect as he spoke, “may I introduce Mr. Seth Turner, my cousin.”

“It is a pleasure, Lady Bridget,” Seth spoke, and she could immediately draw similarities in their voices. She wondered if the two looked alike. As cousins, that was quite possible.

“Same,” she nodded politely. “If you gentlemen do not mind, I should like to return to the ladies. My mother might get worried.”

“We certainly would not like that,” Joseph responded. “Do you need us to accompany you there?”

“The drawing room is to my right, is it not?”

“Yes,” Joseph instructed.

“Thank you. Enjoy your port, gentlemen.” She gave a courteous curtsy then moved to the side of the wall and headed where she was instructed to go. The voices grew louder, and when she pushed the door open, she knew she had come to the right destination.