Page 46 of Saving Miss Pratt

“And your plans for repentance?”

“Contrary to belief, I have already repented. Not a day passes where I do not regret my actions against the duke. However, convincing others of my contrition and repairing my reputation is another matter and a much more arduous task.”

He said nothing, but tilted his head in question. Had he already forgotten the state in which he had found her?

“Upon discovering me here, and before learning my true identity, you asked about my well-being. Although surprised, you at least seemed concerned.”

His gaze slid away, pink rising to the tips of his ears. “I did, and I apologize for my abrupt change. What caused your unhappiness?”

“It would appear no one expected me to be so bold as to attend a ball given by the man I so grievously wronged. I overheard a conversation regarding my past sins, which remain not only unforgotten but unforgiven.”

She took a deep breath, tears welling again in her eyes at the mere memory of the unkind words. “Already I have suffered the scrutiny of self-serving dowagers and their perfect progeny. It seems mothers are being told to warn their sons about the schemingdoxywho has returned to London intent on trapping them into marriage.”

Compassion shone in his eyes, as if he wished to apologize for those who had harmed her. “Surely they didn’t use that term in reference to you?”

“I’m afraid they did.”

“And do you still intend to move forward with your plan to redeem yourself?”

The deflating defeat that had crushed her upon entering the room transformed into determination, and she met his gaze with renewed purpose. If she could face Timothy, she could face them all. “What better place to prove myself than where I fell into ignominy?”

That eyebrow quirked again. “That’s . . . wise. And brave.”

His praise shouldn’t have affected her as much as it did. But the fluttering sensation in her stomach gave testament to how much his good opinion mattered. No one hadevercalled her either wise or brave. But coming from Timothy Marbry made the words even sweeter.

“And besides redemption, do you hope to accomplish anything else here in London?”

“As I am determined not to return to Belton and marry Mr. Netherborne, I hope to find a suitable husband here.”

He shifted in his seat, and she could envision the cogs turning in his brain.

“Have you not heard a word I’ve said? You may rest easy, sir. I have no plans to cry compromise to secure a husband—even one asdesirableas you.” She poured every bit of sarcasm into the last as she could muster.

Red blotches formed on his cheeks. So the man had a conscience, after all.

“I had no idea I would see you again.” Never mind that she’d thought about it and even hoped on a daily basis. “I’m as surprised to find you here as you are to find me.”

“I doubt that—considering I thought you a merchant’s daughter.”

She laughed. “I should be insulted, but I’m not. It would appear my ruse worked as planned.”

She considered him for a moment, wondering if possibly their meeting could be more fortuitous than expected. “I would like to be completely honest with you.”

He frowned. “Have you not been?”

“Well, yes. But stumbling into you has given me a brilliant idea.”

“Which is?”

“I want you to help me.”


“I would like you to help me find a husband.”


An overwhelming urge to clean out his ears overcame Timothy. Surely he’d heard incorrectly.