There was a stranger at the gate that tried to get into the compound. Both Michail and I rushed to the gate where guards apprehended him.
“Where is he?” I asked as soon as we got to the gate. There was a small building by the gate that allowed guards to use the restroom and have a little kitchen and sitting area.
“He’s in there with Pavel.”
The moment I entered the building and laid my eyes on him, I recognized him. It was the security protection, Brian, that traveled with Scarlett and her friends over the summer.
His eyes met mine and something flickered in them.
“I was told you were looking for the owner of this house,” I asked him. He nodded and I continued, “You found him. What can I do for you?”
He stood up and extended his hand. I shook it and sat down, he followed suit.
“I’m Brian Ryker,” he introduced himself. “I’m looking for Scarlett O’Brady. I believe she is being held here.”
“And what is your business with Scarlett?” I asked him.
“She was abducted three weeks ago,” he replied calmly. I had to give it to the man, he kept his cool. “I want to ensure she is safe and wants to stay here before I go back to the States.”
“And what makes you think she is here?”
“I received a tip that she is being held here. I have been watching the house for the past two days. I saw her.”
We watched each other in silence. He knew he was at disadvantage, being alone while I had four men inside this building and many more outside. He was brave. Well, either brave or stupid. I knew he had been asking about Scarlett all over Moscow but this was the first time we came face-to-face and spoke.
“Yes, she is here and she is safe,” I told him finally. “But she is not going back to the States. Her parents will be joining us in a few weeks for our wedding.”
A surprise crossed his face. “If it’s just the same, I’d like to see her and ensure she is alright.”
I gave a quick nod to Michail and he went to get her. While we waited, neither one of us tried to make small talk. It was for the better anyhow because I wasn’t in the mood.
It didn’t take long for Scarlett to show up. The moment she entered the building, her eyes got big.
“Brian?” she exclaimed and ran to him, giving him a big hug. I had to clench my fists, to force myself not to pull them apart. I knew there was nothing between them but my possessiveness wasn’t rational. That was the welcome I hoped for, instead Brian got it. “What are you doing here?”
He smiled at her. “Looking for you, actually.”
“Yes. Manciatti felt responsible and wanted to make sure you were okay.” He eyed her up and down as if checking for any sign of mistreatment of my woman. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m sorry, I’m still in shock to see you.” She hugged him again. Fucking asshole was getting a better welcome than I was. “Didn’t Anja call Manciatti to tell him I was fine?”
“I guess not,” he retorted dryly.
“Is Olivia okay?”
“She got back to the States,” he replied. “Both you and Anastasia disappeared so it was just the two of us.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” she muttered. “Anastasia called a few days ago and she’s been rescued.”
He didn’t seem surprised. Manciatti must have kept him in the loop.
“Want me to take you home?” Brian locked eyes with Scarlett, and I tensed. “Manciatti knew Anja was rescued but nobody informed him about you. I just spoke to him earlier today.”
I didn’t want to have bloodshed with this man, but I wouldn’t allow him to take her away from me. It was as if the whole room stilled, and everyone held their breath waiting for Scarlett’s answer.