The men that weren’t strapped in went flying in the air, some of them landing face first, others sideways. They scrambled around trying to get out of the car but my men were already there killing them. There were more all around the property. I started to run towards them, shooting them all dead. Gunfire sounds were all around us, my men against the attackers.
Another explosion blasted, too close for comfort and I lost my balance, landing on my knees.
“Fuck,” I muttered, ringing in my ears.
I surveyed the grounds and noted another vehicle approaching.
“You good?” Misha was next to me, pulling me off my knees.
“Thanks, all good.” Both of us raised our guns in unison and started shooting at the vehicle approaching straight for us. Neither one of us moved, aiming at the driver.
“Shoot the tires out,” I told him, never waving my eyes from the target. “I’ll get the driver.”
Misha hit the front passenger tire.Good man,I thought to myself as I took another calming breath and pulled the trigger, hitting the driver. This time I wasn’t as lucky, it hit him in the chest. The impact didn’t kill him but it made him swerve the vehicle to the left, missing us by mere feet.
I was at the vehicle within a blink of an eye. I pulled the door open, practically ripping it off the hinges. Point blank, I shot every man inside.
“Sergei, on your left,” Misha’s voice had me turning but it was too late.
The sound of a flying bullet was all I heard and then searing pain in my shoulder. Ignoring it, I raised my gun and Misha must have done the same thing because we both shot the bastard at the same time. He never stood a chance.
“Shit, you’re hit,” Misha spat a few curses.
“I’m good,” I assured him. I had worse wounds over the years. “Let’s get moving. Get to the cars with the others. I’ll go get Anastasia.”
“Dimitry and Nikolai went after her,” Misha conveyed. “There was more shit going on the other side of the house too.”
“Fucking Boris,” I muttered. “Go to the cars, be ready. I’ll go check on my brothers.”
With a quick nod, I headed to the front of the house and ran into my brothers along with Anastasia. She looked pale, fear written all over her face but she kept calm. Thank God, hysteria in times like this was the worst thing.
The moment she spotted me, her fear was replaced with worry for me. She reached out to me, wanting to examine the bullet wound but we didn’t have time for that right now.
I took her hand. “I’m ok, princess. Let’s get out of here.”
“Medical kit?” she asked in a low tone. She was no longer a scared woman but a doctor. The one that graduated top of her class. The one that was used to saving lives instead of taking them. And she made me proud. No wonder my brother was falling for her.
“I got it,” Nikolai replied in a hushed tone. We kept moving forward, my brothers and I surrounding Anastasia like a body shield.
Another explosion blasted, the ground shook and I held my feet firmly to the ground although my ears rang from the sound of it. It wasn’t the time to lose balance. My brothers did the same but Anastasia fell to her knees. She was glancing around frantically.
Dimitry lifted her into his arms, his one hand still held the gun as he ran, Nikolai and I alongside, towards the woods. Our vehicles were waiting for us there, packed and ready to depart. The plan was to leave tomorrow but this definitely sped up our plans. Thankfully we were at least ready. Fuck, I was starting to feel weak and Nikolai came up to help me. He put me in the back seat of the large black Ford Expedition. Anastasia was already there reaching for me.
“I’ve got him,” she told Nikolai. He nodded although he threw me a worried glance. I slightly nudged him to get going. He couldn’t babysit me forever.
Anastasia sat me upright and started taking my shirt off.
“How bad is it, princess doctor?” I asked. I could barely manage a weak smile.
“Nikolai, give me the medical kit.” She met my eyes and smiled sure of herself. “Nothing I can’t fix. But I’ll need you to talk to me.” My eyes closed, fatigue catching up to me. Or maybe it was blood loss. “I want you to talk to me, Sergei. Okay?”
“Okay,” I muttered tiredly. “Such a bossy princess.”
“Why do you keep calling me princess?” she asked as she surveyed the medical kit.
Maybe death was what I deserved, but fuck it… I wanted to live. I wanted a life with Scarlett, to see her grow old and love her for the rest of my life.
“You remind me of a princess,” I murmured softly. “At first, I thought you were a pampered, spoiled brat. But now I see you are beautiful and strong. While you give people the impression your life is easy, it is anything but. You have it all, but you want none of it.” She raised her stunning eyes and met my gaze. “Am I right, princess?”