The door to my father’s office was slightly opened, and I wondered if his guest was hearing this disturbing conversation. It seemed so careless for Dad to leave it cracked open.

“I am calm,” I told them both, my attention leaving the stranger in the office and back to my parents. “You two act like I should be jumping for joy that you pretty much sold me out. And then you act surprised that I have been avoiding coming home for the last seven years. At every chance you have, you keep trying to convince me it is a good thing. Well, it is not. You had no right to do something like that. I don’t see you arranging a marriage for one of my brothers.”

“It’s not the same,” my mother tried to smooth things out.

“Bullshit, Mom,” I snapped, trying to keep my voice down. “You two are being so hypocritical.”

“Scarlett, it is for your own good,” my dad exploded. And silence that followed was like a calm before the storm… or was it after the storm. I wasn’t even sure.

“Well, we’ll have to agree to disagree then,” I answered, my voice calm which was so contrary to the boiling anger I felt inside me. “I’ll just grab my passport.”

“Sweetie,” my mom tried to soothe the situation but there was no saving it.

“I’ll text you both when I get there,” I told them and rushed out of there.

I pretty much ran to my old bedroom, passing my Uncle Seamus on the way out. My bedroom was exactly as I left it. Absolutely nothing changed, as if they were waiting for me to come back home any day now. Except, I never wanted to come back. I couldn’t even remember the last time I slept in my bed, under this roof. It fucking hurt that my own parents would pass me off to a stranger like that, like I was nothing.

Grabbing my passport and a few other items, I shoved them quickly into a bag that sat here probably from my high school years. It couldn’t have been but thirty minutes since I arrived but I swore it felt like thirty hours.

As I exited my parents’ home, the blonde guy that was in my father’s office was getting into his Aston Martin, his back to me… again. Michail held the door open, his eyes darting around like he expected police to swarm the property. Again, I couldn’t catch the glimpse of the man except for the back of his head and barely a peek at his profile. Although the little I saw, there was no denying it, he was a gorgeous specimen.

“Leaving already, lass?” Uncle Seamus’ voice had me whipping my head to my left. I didn’t even hear him approach me.


“Will you be okay?”

“Yes.” I swore, I sounded like Michail now.

The loud sound of the engine powering up had me turning my gaze back to the car and its visitor as they drove around the circle and headed off the property.

I exhaled deeply, returning my focus to Uncle Seamus. “Yes, I’ll be okay. It was nice seeing you. I’ll send a note when we land in Europe.”

He nodded, a solemn look in his eyes. “If you need anything, just call.”

I hugged him goodbye, then headed to my Jeep. Maybe it was good that I didn’t stay. Dad would have probably had my head if he saw I parked in front of the house.

As soon as I started the Jeep, the music blasted loudly through my speakers. Since my top was down, I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and put my sunglasses on. The moment my parents’ property was behind me, I turned the music to the max, tuning out my thoughts and sped down the highway way past the legal speed limit. It was reckless, it was stupid, but it felt good. The highway was empty, except for me and a vehicle way ahead of me. I maintained the speed, there was no reason to be stuck behind a vehicle when no one was in front of it. I shifted to the left lane, and pressed harder against the gas pedal intending to pass the vehicle in front of me. Too late, I realized it was the Aston Martin that was parked in front of my father’s home. I felt like I was just caught stealing chocolate and my dad was going to find out but it was going too fast to slow down. Slamming on the brakes now would definitely get me noticed. Maybe I’d get lucky and the man that was driving it, never makes the connection. After all, there were tons of Jeeps around. Aston Martins not so much!

I sped past the Aston Martin, the speedometer showing a hundred miles per hour, never glancing over. It was as if the devil himself was chasing me, or maybe I was trying to escape my destiny; I didn’t know anymore. I knew the time was nearing and when I got back from Europe, my days of freedom would be numbered. I wasn’t fooled by the fact my dad let me walk out today. It was my last hurrah before he’d lay the hammer down and I’d have to bend to his will.

Because in his world breaking the agreement would mean war and death.

I should have known better. No, scratch that. I knew better but chose to ignore my reason. Now, look at this mess I found myself in. And I dragged Sergei into it. With a heavy heart, I dragged myself off the floor and crawled into bed, pulling the covers over my head. Squeezing my eyes shut, I forced my brain to stop thinking and focused on my breathing. I couldn’t think anymore. I had to sleep. I was exhausted. I just wanted to forget it all.

* * *

Someone’s hands nudged me.

“Go away,” I muttered. I didn't want to wake up. Sleep was my reprieve and Sergei was with me. His ruffled blonde hair, soft under my fingers and his body pressed hard against me. I pressed my cheek against his, feeling his warmth.

I missed you, solnce.I could hear his voice whisper, deep and sexy… it sent delightful shivers down my body. And his warm brown eyes were on me again, hungry and passionate.

“Scarlett,” an unfamiliar voice kept pulling me out of my escape.No!I wasn’t sure if I said it out loud or thought it. I wanted to stay with Sergei. I liked it here. Man’s hands shook me harder. “Wake up, Scarlett.”

Sergei’s face faded, my hands reaching for him. “Don’t go,” I murmured. I wanted him with me. I loved him. I had to tell him something important.

“It’s Michail. I’m not going anywhere. Wake up!” Hands wrapped around me, but they felt strange. They felt wrong.