“That was fast, Nikolai,” I retorted, grinning. “I have to admit, I would never have thought you’d be her type,” I beamed. “No offense but I swear, she never… like ever, swooned over any man. And then boom. You. I’ll have to talk to her. I’m impressed.”

“I live to serve,” Nikolai teased.

I looked at the man that he was still holding in a chokehold. “Now, what should we do with these two?”

I never wanted part of this kind of life, but these two hurt Sergei.

“Didn’t I warn you all not to fuck with my family?” Dimitry growled, his eyes murderous on Vlad as he slammed his daughter right next to him. “Was my warning not clear enough?”

I didn’t quite follow. I glanced at Sergei and he stood there motionless. I took his hand into mine and pressed a kiss on it.

“I love you,” I mouthed and his eyes instantly softened.

“Who was it?” Dimitry’s foot was on Irina’s throat. “Who was the guy that abused Sergei or I’ll squash your daughter like the piece of trash she is.”

“I killed him,” Sergei announced calmly, his eyes on his brothers. “He went into hiding when you killed the other guy that tried to get close to me. It took me a bit but I hunted him down and put a knife through his black heart.”

“Good,” I told him. “And these two will get the same.”

Sergei glanced at me grinning. “I never realized you were bloodthirsty.”

I smiled sheepishly. “Regularly, I’m not, but you bring it all out in me. Because I love you so damn much.”

He leaned over and pressed his mouth on mine. “I love you too, solnce.”

“And I really want to get married tomorrow,” I added. The look in his eyes was priceless. I knew marrying him would be the best decision of my life.

“C’mon you two,” Dimitry groaned, with a wide grin. “Anja wants a triple wedding ceremony. Take pity on me.”

I smiled at him. “I don’t want to wait. I want to be Mrs. Volkovsky as soon as possible.”

Michail ran into the room with my brothers and father by his side.

“Scarlett, my girl,” my father ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me. Sergei still held me so he kind of hugged him too but it didn’t seem to bother either one of them. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, Dad.” He was showering my forehead with kisses and suddenly I felt like a little girl. “I’m all good. What are you doing here?”

“What do you think, Sis?” Liam spoke behind him. “Your husband called for extra backup and we came to kick some Russian ass.”

Awkward.I glanced around but Sergei and his brothers didn’t seem to take offense.

“Well, limit it to kicking the Russian ass that is on the ground,” I told him and Liam acknowledged with a smile.

“Good to see you, baby sister.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Brennan and Cillian followed suit.

“Did you use techniques I showed you?” Brennan asked, winking.

Michail laughed behind him. “She sure did. I think my balls still haven’t recovered.”

Everyone laughed and damn it, if it didn’t feel like our family just grew a big notch.