
Dimitry was right. I would not survive losing Scarlett. I needed her; she was my link to maintaining my sanity. Scarlett and our baby.

I sensed Dimitry and Nikolai at my back as we made our way to the warehouse. The sound of glass shattering broke through and a loud explosion shook the ground. My brothers and I shared a quick glance. Each one of us reached for our guns and just in time too. The warehouse door burst open and men started swarming out.

Both my brothers and I started shooting. There were our men from various positions firing back at them too. These bastards had no idea who they were dealing with. But they would learn very soon.

I heard one of my men call out to me. I followed his gaze and gave him a quick nod.

“On the roof,” I told my brothers.

In unison, each one of us started shooting, taking the snipers down. The blazing gunfire sounded all around us but my heartbeat remained steady. It was for Scarlett. She needed me with a clear head.

A gun fired right above me and I noted it was her brother Liam. He took down one of the snipers. I tilted my head in thanks and continued my way to my woman, firing at these fuckers and running at the same time. My gut tightened with worry, and I could slowly feel my rage surfacing.

“You go on, Sergei,” Dimitry shouted over the bullets. All three of us were shooting these bastards. These guys were like a never-ending swarm of flies. “We are right behind you.”

I nodded and took off. The drive to get to Scarlett was the only reason I let my brothers cover my back. The moment I opened the door to the warehouse, one of the Polish men attacked. I unsheathed my knife and with a flick of the wrist cut the man’s throat. I didn’t wait for him to drop to the floor but kept going.

Three more came forward, although I wasn’t sure where they came from. Nikolai and Dimitry were next to me, their own knives pulled out.

A piercing scream tore through the building and my heart froze. Dimitry threw a knife straight into one of the fucker’s chest and went into attack.

“Go,” Nikolai shouted as he attacked the other man, giving me a free passage.

I ran through the building, following the voices and yelling. The moment I burst through the door, my vision blurred and the haunting red fog swam through my sight.

“Get the fuck away from her,” I growled at them.

My blood thundered in rage seeing Scarlett tied up on that dirty table, with her wrists and legs cuffed up. The miserable excuse for a doctor was between her legs, ready to use a dirty tool on her. I shot him dead on the spot.

Now, all I had to do was get my Scarlett. Vlad and Irina were like vultures on my woman. I’d make them pay.

It didn’t take long for Dimitry and Nikolai to be at my back; they always had my back. They were right; we were stronger together.

There was a commotion and gunfire outside this room. Probably Patrick and Liam killing all these fucking bastards, but I didn’t give a shit. The only one that mattered to me was Scarlett.

“It’s over, Irina,” my voice was cold and calm. Unlike the fire burning through my veins. Scarlett’s eyes were wide with fear as she struggled to breathe. Her chest was rising and falling in sharp movements. “Our men and the Boston men are taking over this entire building and you won’t have anyone left after we are through with it.” In case she needed additional assurance, I added, “The Polish have sold you out. They don’t want you nor your traitor father back.”

“Fucking traitors,” she spat, her Russian thick. “I’ll teach them a lesson.”

Her face was hideous, twisted in hate. She could never compare to my Scarlett.

“You won’t teach them anything,” I told her calmly. “You will step away from my wife, otherwise, I will gut you alive. Woman or no woman. And then, I’ll torture you for days.”

“You fucking three idiots are a disgrace,” Vlad squealed like the pig that he was. “Worst mistake Boris ever made. And you, Sergei, are the biggest disgrace of them all.”

I didn’t give a fuck what that snake thought. “Boris was so stupid and blind with his rage, he didn’t see what was in front of his nose,” Vlad continued venting. “He didn’t recognize his own son. But I did,” his hideous laugh echoed in the room. Relief swept through me with confirmation that Boris never knew I was his son. “Who do you think sent that man to feel you up? Abuse you. I thrived knowing that Boris was so stupid, he couldn’t see his own son being a little bitch to one of his men.”

Cold sweat flashed through my body, the memories dark and bitter. But before I even had a chance to get myself together, Nikolai was on Vlad, his big hand wrapped around Vlad’s traitorous neck.

“Who’s the bitch now?” he hissed, slamming Vlad’s body against the concrete floor. “You fucking piece of shit.”

I took advantage of Irina’s distraction and twisted her arm with the knife she held against Scarlett.

“You don’t fucking touch my wife,” I growled. Dimitry was right behind me and grabbed Irina by her hair, shoving her against the wall. She whimpered but I felt nothing. She threatened my woman and child. She deserved nothing better.