“What?” This was a rare occurrence to have both Dimitry and Nikolai with their jaws dropped onto the floor.
“Yes, Scarlett is his daughter. I ran into her by chance when the girls first arrived. I recognized her but she knew nothing about me so I came up with the brilliant plan to woo her before I revealed who I was. It didn’t go exactly according to plan but we ended up here.”
Nikolai groaned. “Sergei, you really have to start thinking things through. No wonder she threw a vase at you.”
Dimitry shook his head, but there was still a smile on his lips. “She’ll have her hands full with you.”
“More like the other way around,” I retorted, smiling wide.
“Now, if we could only kill Vlad,” Dimitry added, “we could actually enjoy the rest of our lives in peace with our family.”
The joking immediately ceased. We all knew he was dangerous.
“Michail has been following a few leads. Vlad is in bed with the Polish and Lebanese.” It wasn’t surprising but it pissed me off. “And when I say with the Polish, I mean Irina. Her husband is pretty much a puppet and she is running the show there. They are working with the Lebanese smuggling and selling women and children.”
“I never liked that bitch,” Dimitry cursed under his breath.
“Fuck, we have to do something,” Nikolai muttered.
“Brother, you have to stop cursing,” I told him. “I’m about to meet Olivia officially today, and if you start cursing, she’ll blame me.”
“She knows how to put me in check,” Nikolai grinned wide. It made me so fucking happy to see my brothers happy.
“Anyhow, Irina reached out to Brian, the protection security the girls had. Manciatti hired him.”
Dimitry grumbled something and I raised my eyebrow. It wasn’t like him to judge people without seeing them.
“Don’t mind him,” Nikolai interjected. “He saw the footage from the club where his woman danced with him. Poor Brian has been on the hit list ever since.”
I chuckled. My oldest brother wasn’t regularly jealous, but here we were. All three of us obsessing over our women.
“Irina tried to entice Brian to kidnap Scarlett,” I told them both.
“Do you trust him?” Dimitry growled.
“I do. He is the one that came forward and told us that the only reason he found Scarlett was due to anonymous tips he received. Well, it was Irina, which he didn’t know at the time. When Brian came and talked to Scarlett, he was satisfied she was safe. Scarlett told him she was staying so he left. Imagine the surprise when he called a few days later. Irina reached out to him, asking for his help. Thankfully, the man has good instincts so he reached out to us.”
“What could she possibly want with Scarlett?” Nikolai pondered.
“I don’t know.” I couldn’t possibly imagine what she was trying to accomplish but whatever it was, there is no doubt in my mind Irina was up to no good. She was cruel and vindictive. “But I can’t risk her getting her hands on Scarlett.”
“What do you want to do?” Nikolai asked in a somber voice.
“I think it best that I take her out of town after today.” I didn’t want to ruin her surprise and she’d be happy to see her girlfriends. “Right after you and your women leave tonight.”
“That’s smart. Keep her safe. Especially now. We can’t have Irina get her dirty paws on Scarlett and your unborn baby.” Dimitry spoke. There was a pondering look on his face. “Do you think there is a connection between Vlad and Irina?”
I frowned. “Besides that they are working together?”
“Yes. I remember hearing a long time ago that he had a daughter.”
“It couldn’t be Irina,” I muttered. “I would have known that. I met her mother.”
“Did you meet her father?” Nikolai questioned.
“The mother said he was dead.” I recalled that night. It was the night I asked Irina to marry me and she accepted for a short couple of weeks. It was the only time Irina brought me around her family. It was only on my insistence that I get permission from her parents. “You know, it’s weird now that I think about it. I insisted that we talk to her parents and get their blessing. Irina said her mom and dad wouldn’t care. But then when we arrived and I asked to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Popov, her mother said there is only Mrs. Popov, herself. That Mr. Popov was dead.”
“Could he have hidden his family from Boris for that long?” Nikolai pondered.