“Okay.” I didn’t want her to rebel, and I knew if I forced the issue, Scarlett would aim for the opposite. Besides, she had a valid point. We wanted my brothers and her friends there. She deserved a dream wedding. “But I do have one firm condition.”

“Yes?” There was caution in her voice.

“We need to be married before our baby is born. I want our child’s birth to start on the right foot.”

Scarlett stood up and wrapped her arms around me. “I agree. I’ll add another condition,” she tilted her head up to meet my gaze. “We’ll get married before I’m big and round.”

“You got it, solnce,” I bent my head down and pressed a kiss on her lips. Her words also hinted she wouldn’t make me wait for a long time.

“I love you,” she murmured against my lips, her eyelids heavy. I would never tire of hearing those words from her. She made my world brighter and warmer.

“And I love you,” I told her. “You are my sun, earth, and moon.”

I liked this side of Scarlett, and I loved us together. This woman showed me she loved me with every touch and every look she gave me.

The vibrating noise of my cell phone interrupted the moment. I thought it was Michail again with some smartass comment. It was too early in the day for anyone else to message. The sun wasn’t even up yet, for fuck’s sake.

I frowned seeing the message from Nikolai.

*Vlad’s men got Olivia.*

*Leaving now.*


“What’s the matter?” Scarlett’s face held worry.

My first instinct was to tell her everything was fine. I didn’t want her to worry about anything in her condition. Just as I was about to tell her not to worry about anything, I changed my mind. We agreed on doing this together.

“Don’t get upset,” I tried to soothe the blow. “Olivia was kidnapped.”

The way her face paled alarmed me. “How?”

My phone rang and Dimitry’s name flashed on the screen. I pulled Scarlett closer to me, wrapping my arms around her. I wanted to comfort her and for her to hear firsthand the conversation with my brother.

“Dimitry,” I answered the phone.

“Are you good, brother?” he questioned, his voice worried. “Is your woman safe?”

“Yes, everything is good here.” Hearing Dimitry’s voice and his worry only confirmed my prior resolution to come clean to my brothers. But first we needed to help Olivia. “Are they taking her to Moscow?”

“Yes, they boarded the plane for Moscow.”

“I’ll leave now and be in Moscow in two hours, tops three.”

“Sergei, you stay and watch your woman,” Dimitry stopped me. “If shit goes down and something happens to Nikolai and me, you are the only one I trust to keep Anastasia and Scarlett safe.”

I sought out Scarlett’s gaze. She was carrying our baby. My brother was right. If something happened, Anastasia and Scarlett would be left vulnerable. Michail would protect Scarlett but he wouldn’t be able to get her and Anja out of the country.

“You got it,” I vowed to him. “You two make sure you stay safe. And bring Olivia back unscratched. Otherwise, Scarlett will be upset and I can’t have her be upset in her condition.”

“Her condition?”

Scarlett gave me a silent nod, tears shining in her eyes. “We are having a baby.”

“My little brother is having a baby?” Dimitry’s voice was full of disbelief. And truthfully, he was right to doubt me a bit. I have been the most irresponsible of the three of us. “Seriously?”

“Yes. So you better make sure all of you get out of there safe. I want my kid to have uncles and aunts.”