
Nothing had ever made me as happy as hearing Scarlett’s words. She was having my baby, our baby. I knew I was an asshole, because when she left her morning after pill behind, I didn’t bother reminding her about it. I hoped for a family with her. Fuck, I prayed for it. My heart pounded with joy. Scarlett and our children would be the most precious and valuable gift ever. I didn’t deserve it but I wanted it nonetheless. I would fight anyone and anything that tried to take her away from me.

“Are you happy about the baby?” I asked her cautiously. She was still young, and I was forced on her.

“I am. It came about the unorthodox way,” she murmured. I frowned at her words and she quickly explained, “You were supposed to be a summer fling, Sergei. And everything kind of spiraled out of control. And then the kidnapping, fearing you dead, and then coming to find out you are the man my dad insisted for the past eight years I marry.”

Ok, I’d give her that much. It was a bit unorthodox.

“But yes,” she spoke softly. “I’m happy about the baby.”

I sighed in relief. She would be a good mother. I didn’t have any foundation to be a good father but she did. I would do right by her and our child.

“I promise I will be a good husband and father,” I vowed to her. “I didn’t have parents to mirror what a good father is but I will kill and torture anyone that tries to harm you or our baby. I love you and our baby.” I placed my hand gently over her lower belly. Fuck, I might even start crying from happiness. Maybe Scarlett’s pregnancy hormones were hitting me too?

She chuckled softly again and it was the best sound. “We can start with that. And Sergei,” she spoke softly. “You will be a great father. Don’t ever doubt it.”

I noted she didn’t say a great husband, but I would prove it to her. I had the rest of my life to show her I’d be a good husband to her.

“Let’s go to bed, solnce,” I nibbled her ear. “Sleep in my room tonight and every night.”

She shrugged her one shoulder. “Sure.” I couldn’t help but grin at her and she shook her head. “I give in to you too easily,” she murmured low, as if she was talking to herself.

* * *

I woke up with Scarlett cuddled up to me and the world seemed right. Just the way it should be. I watched her sleep and something shifted in my chest. I never expected this; I never expected her. All the deceit came crashing back like a typhoon and there was nobody else to blame but me. But life gave me another chance. I wouldn’t waste it. There would be no more lies lingering between my woman and me. I wanted to clear them all up with her. I would make my woman happy.

I had to find a way to talk to my brothers too. I owed them the truth. After everything they have done for me, it was the least I could do for them. Scarlett was right. My brothers always had my back, even when I didn’t deserve it. I should have trusted them with the information on the identity of my father. They would be upset I kept such a big secret from them but I would never give up on them.

My phone buzzed and I glanced over to see Michail asking to talk. What the heck? It was barely six in the morning. It must have been important if he felt the need to message this early. I gently lifted off the bed, careful not to wake up Scarlett. She mumbled something and buried her head into the pillow where I laid mere seconds ago. I couldn’t help but chuckle. If our baby slept as soundly as Scarlett, we’d have a wonderful first two years.

My family.It sounded too good to be true. I wished for it so bad but always thought it wouldn’t happen to me.

I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt and grabbed my combat boots. I placed my hand on her head and kissed her on the crown of her head, then exited the room barefoot. Michail was waiting for me in front of it.

“Fuck, Michail,” I spat at him in Russian. “Did you stand here all night?”

His lip quirked into a half smile, and I quickly pulled on my combat boots. “No, but you and your woman should really learn to shut the doors.”

I raised my eyebrow. “Our bedroom door was shut all night.”

“Yes, but your office door wasn’t,” he chuckled. “Not last night.”

“You sick voyeur,” I pushed him. Neither Scarlett nor I realized we left the door open till we headed to bed. But it was too late then.

“Don’t worry,” he teased. “I didn’t see anything, only heard a little bit.”

“Why the fuck were you coming to my office anyhow?”

“To share with you how Brian Ryker found Scarlett.”

That piqued my interest. “How?”


“What?” I must have not heard him right.

“Irina,” he repeated. “She was the anonymous tip. That number she called him on was untraceable but apparently, she reached out to him again. He came by last night to let us know. Sheaccidentallyran into him. He doesn’t like her and doesn’t trust her.”