She eyed me suspiciously. “Little bit.”

“Do you know where the pregnancy tests are?” I asked, feeling the heat creep up my neck. “Please,” I added in a whisper, glancing behind me again.

As if she understood my predicament, she nodded. “Stay here.”

She disappeared and returned within half a minute. My heart was racing like crazy, scared that Sergei would decide at that moment to search me out. We both glanced around before she handed me three of them. I quickly hid them under all the other junk I had in my basket.

“I ring you,” she mumbled. “Come.”

I hoped she meant what I thought she did. She waved her hand and I followed.

“Scarlett, are you almost done?” Sergei asked, eyeing my basket. It was overflowing with shit I didn’t need. Yes, some of it I used and loved but some of it was just nonsense.

“Yes, I’ll pay and then we can go.”

“Thank God,” one of the guards muttered under their breath.

The woman that helped me get the pregnancy test eyed Sergei and then me. I couldn’t say anything to her but I hoped she’d keep up our unspoken concealment.

She said something in Russian and I froze. I stared at her, hoping she wasn’t saying anything about pregnancy tests. Anastasia was right, we should have attempted to learn some of the language.

“Give,” the woman said and pointed to my basket. The understanding dawned on me and I tried to lift the heavy basket, grunting.

“Here let me help you,” Sergei spoke behind me and lifted the basket to hand to the woman. I didn’t even hear him approach.

I must have looked panicked because I stared at the basket and then back to Sergei.

“Thanks,” I could barely speak the words. My eyes darted to the woman, and she just smiled and then winked. I hoped that meant she could somehow hide the tests.

All I could focus on was the ringing with each item she scanned, then bagged it. Then repeat, and again. She handed two bags to Sergei. He just passed them on to another guard and inwardly I groaned. He wasn’t supposed to be standing next to me while she rang my pregnancy tests.

His eyes were alert, scanning around and back to the woman. I cleared my throat, and his eyes came to me. He raised an eyebrow but when I said nothing, he was ready to avert his gaze again so I cleared my throat again.

“Sergei, my throat is itchy,” I muttered. “I think I have allergies. Could you please get something for it?”

He opened his mouth and I knew he was getting ready to ask one of his men or Sonia to get it.

I quickly grabbed his hand. “Oh, look,” I pointed to the corner shelf. “Could you grab that?”

“That’s candy,” he replied, eying me suspiciously. His gaze went to our connected hands, and he met my eyes again. God, I missed his touch. His eyes darkened and my body instantly responded.

Focus, Scarlett.

“Could you get the candy for me, please?” My voice was husky, like I was begging him to fuck me right here in the store.

His eyes went back to our connected hands and he reluctantly let go. The moment he turned his back to me, I glanced at the woman and she rang the three pregnancy tests and stuffed them into the bag. I swallowed hard, giving her a quick nod just as Sergei was coming back.

He handed the woman the candy and she rang those as well and stuffed them into the same bag. She recited the price in Russian, but I had no clue how much it came to. I just handed her Sergei’s black American Express. She took it and in turn gave me the bag with pregnancy tests. Sergei reached for it but I quickly grabbed it.

“I got this one,” I muttered. He watched me curiously but I ignored his eyes, scared he’d read something there.

The woman handed back the card and receipt.

“You can take your card back,” I told him. He took both and stuffed them into his wallet. “Do you have any cash?” I asked him.

“Are we doing more shopping?” he asked, a half-smile making him look gorgeous.

“No, I’d like to give her something as a thank you,” I mumbled. “I couldn’t read Russian so she helped me.” It was the truth, just not all of it.