
Asharp throb in my temple was the first thing I noticed when I woke up. There was noise around me, but I could barely catch any words. My brain was in the fog and the whole world kept spinning, making it hard to concentrate or even open my eyes. It felt cold and damp.

I tried to move and found my wrists bound. I forced my eyes open and a sharp pain went through my skull.


What the hell happened?

“She’ll fetch a good price,” a woman’s voice reached through the air. I tried to force my eyes open, searching for the voice but it was like my eyelids weighed a ton. I gritted through the pain and pushed through. When I finally opened them, my gaze darted around, searching. There was nobody in the room, except for me. It looked like I was in some kind of underground room, stone walls, no windows and concrete floors.

My throat clenched tight with fear. Was this the threat that Sergei mentioned to my father? Was this what he was trying to protect me from?

“Get her through the exam,” a deep man’s voice said, “and then put her with the other women. Shipment is leaving in an hour. Sergei won’t dare intercept this one. Otherwise, his precious cargo will go up in flames.”

I felt a hand in my hair and a tight clenched fist shoved my head to the side.

“You are pretty.” Cold, blue eyes of a blonde woman met me. Who in the hell was this bitch?

“Sergei will kill you for this,” I growled at her, although with a dry mouth and pounding headache, I didn’t sound fierce at all. Fuck fierce. I was actually scared, ready to shit myself. I was pregnant and didn't want anything to happen to my baby.

She laughed and the sound was harsh, making my head hurt even worse. “He’ll never get a chance. The fucking idiot couldn’t see what was in front of his nose.”

I pondered what she meant but refused to ask. He would come for me and he’d kill her. I was positive. He was fiercely protective and ruthless when occasion called for it. And nothing mattered more to Sergei than his family. And we were family. We might have not tied the knot yet but he was part of me as much as I was part of him.

“You’ll never be able to replace me,” her raspy tone taunted, followed up with a horrifying laughter.

I frowned. What the fuck was she talking about?

She laughed and it sent a shrill of disgust through my body. “He didn’t tell you?”

I hated this woman’s guts already.

“Let me go or you’ll be sorry,” I meant to sound tougher, but my voice wasn’t working that great. “Sergei will come for me.”

“Little girl has claws,” the man’s voice echoed from somewhere else in the room. God, my head was pounding something bad. It was like my entire skull was shifting and pounding against it increased with each second. I had a hard time keeping my eyes focused, my vision blurring every few seconds.

“You have been out for two days,” she chuckled, like I just said the funniest joke. Her voice was hoarse to the ears. “There hasn’t been a sign of Sergei.”

I didn’t believe her. I knew for certain he’d come for me. And if he didn’t, my father and my brothers would.

“He’ll come for me,” I told her firmly. “And so will my dad. Then you’ll be sorry you ever fucking touched me.”

Her face turned into an ugly grimace and she shoved her face into mine. “Sergei cost me millions in the last few months. Fucking millions. Now, you will work off his debt. And trust me little girl… all I have to do is fuck him and he’ll forget all about you.”

Irina!This was the woman Sergei was going to marry.

I watched her, really watched her. I could see evidence of a woman she must have been once upon a time. There was no denying it; she must have been pretty. But now, her ugly soul shone through her. Her face twisted with jealousy. She only had herself for losing Sergei.

“Sergei wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole,” I gritted back. “You missed your chance and you are the only one to blame.”

It was stupid to taunt her but my pride couldn’t let her get away with her make-believe superiority. She was nothing but a greedy bitch that made Sergei hurt.

“Just gag her, Dad,” the woman spat, her thick Russian making her threat sound more threatening. “She is annoying me.”

I let off a piercing scream hoping for anyone to come and save me. It was a stupid move, because allowed the man to shove a piece of cloth into my mouth.

“Yes, she will fetch a very nice price indeed,” the man came into view. He was older, slim, white hair, and cruel eyes.