Things with Sergei were going good… hmmm, they were great actually. It has been a week since Olivia was saved. Anastasia, Olivia, and I spoke almost every day, sometimes a few times a day. It felt like life was finally getting back to some sort of normal.
Sergei and I have been making good progress. He made sure he spent some quality time with me every day. Whenever he wasn’t barking into his phone, and being tense about God knows what, I was slowly getting to know him.
He was way overprotective. And possessive. What was worse? I kind of liked it. I hated those qualities in my dad and brothers, but damn, they made me all wet and horny with Sergei. Well, either that or it was my pregnancy hormones.
When we went to see the top OB/GYN, he just about pulled out his gun at the poor doctor for asking me to get on the table and spread my legs. I still blushed remembering back to it. I had to calm him down and ask him to hold my hand. Instead of him soothing me, I had to soothe him during the entire exam. I started to regret bringing him along… maybe. It was kind of nice seeing him jealous like that.
But when the sonogram moment happened, and the tiny peanut showed up on the monitor, he went from a possessive alpha male to a puddle of mush. He squeezed my hand tightly and the macho man had glimmering eyes. That made me want to cry but I kept it together.
Sergei met with his brothers this morning and told them about Boris. It was a huge weight off his shoulders and it was nice to see that behind him. I didn’t think his brothers would hold it against him. After all, it wasn’t like he could control who his parents were.
It was the first week of November and it was getting cold fast. Sergei, I learned, hated the cold but I wanted some fresh air so we sat on his patio, me on his lap. That was the only way he’d agree to sit outside. He claimed if I sat on his lap, our body heat would keep us warm. I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes at him. We had plenty of blankets.
“I’m glad you told your brothers,” I murmured against his cold cheek. “And that they stuck by you. Otherwise, I would have had to hunt them down and kill them.”
He laughed. “I don’t doubt that you would have tried. That’s why I love you.”
I beamed. “Well, I have my own brothers to help me. And they are just as badass as yours.”
He patted my butt gently. “Good thing it won’t be necessary.”
“So what’s the plan today?”
I have been bored to death. I missed my job, a daily routine. Sergei had his men packing stuff. He said we’d be leaving in the afternoon, moving to a safe location.
“You just wait,” he nibbled on my earlobe. “I have a surprise for you before we leave.”
I chuckled, loving his affection. And he loved my affection and caring too. It constricted my heart to think of him starving for his parents’ love while growing up. But we had each other now and we’d make it all up.
“I love surprises,” I admitted to him. “And I love you even more.”
His grip on me tightened and his face buried into my neck.
“You make me so happy,” he murmured, his voice raspy. “Some days I can’t believe my happiness.”
“I’ll pinch you so you can be assured,” I offered him with a wide grin. “We have our entire life to convince you how much I love you.”
Michail came out the door and stopped in his tracks. His eye roll followed. “Please don’t ruin that chair too,” he groaned with mischief in his eyes.
“Michail,” Sergei growled, threatening.
I glanced between two men, lost at what was going on. “I feel like I am missing something here.”
“You are not, solnce,” Sergei answered quickly while Michail chuckled.
“This man must love you a lot to sit outside in the cold,” Michail crackled, and I immediately grinned happily.
“I do love her a lot,” Sergei chimed in, his hand squeezing my thigh tenderly.
“And I love him,” I told Michail, unashamed. I’d shout it from the top of the rooftops, if necessary.
Michail smiled goodheartedly and he genuinely looked happy for us.
“Sergei, you have a minute?” Michail still had a smile on his face but amusement was no longer in his eyes.
I lifted off Sergei’s lap. “I’ll stay out here for a bit longer.”