“Scarlett?” Anja answered on the first ring.
“Oh my God,” I exclaimed. “I feel like it has been years!”
“I know,” she agreed. “Are you okay? Is Sergei treating you well?”
I laughed. “The question is whether you are okay? I heard you were shot.”
“Oh, that was ages ago. I’m good though. Just worried about Dimitry, Nikolai, and Olivia.”
I was worried about them too but didn’t want to add to either one of our anxieties. “Sergei said Dimitry and Nikolai are the best. And Nikolai won’t let anything happen to Olivia.”
We both took deep exhales. “You are right. I just hate that Malcome has her in his clutches again.”
“I know.” That man was a sick bastard. “I hope Nikolai kills him and makes it hurt so bad that he cries like a little girl.”
“Whoa, bloodthirsty,” she teased but she didn’t seem bothered at all. “I hope they torture him for days.”
I scoffed. “And you call me bloodthirsty,” I joked. “So, you and Dimitry are an item? You must be if you took a bullet for him.”
“I love him.” I smiled at her simple proclamation.
“Your folks good with it?” After all, Anastasia was a daughter of a state prosecutor.
“Yes, they are. Dad and Grandad are actually here with me. Dimitry told them they can stay for as long as they wished, so they never left.”
I started laughing. “I am sorry. I am having a hard time picturing that.”
She chuckled. “Right? Who knew! But tell me how are you?”
“I’m good. It was hard in the beginning, and I was mad at Sergei for kidnapping me but we worked through it. There is still a lot we have to figure out but we’ll do it together.”
“That’s wonderful.” I could tell by her voice she was happy. “All three of us and three of them.”
“Now that is bizarre, isn’t it?”
I just already imagine Anja shrugging her shoulder. “It was meant to be. But what about your arranged marriage?”
“Now you are really going to fall off your chair,” I told her. “Make sure you are sitting down. Sergei is the one my father arranged the marriage with.”
“What?” She pretty much screeched into the phone.
“But you didn’t say that when you were going out with him.”
“I didn’t know it was him. I never knew his name and boom… here we are.”
“Holy shit. He really likes you then, ha?”
“Well, he didn’t really know me when he made the agreement with Dad. Either way, it worked out. I love him and we are having a baby.”
“What?” She screamed again. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“I would never,” I retorted jokingly. “But seriously. I’m pregnant. And I sure as hell hope you and Olivia won’t leave me hanging. It would be great if we all had kids together. So we can complain to each other about sleepless nights.”
Anja’s booming laugh echoed through the line. “Okay, as soon as Dimitry gets back, we’ll start working on creating a family. I particularly like the act that leads to it.”