“Hmmm, I’m not sure. Both my brother and I were born at the same time so I have nothing to go on.” I tried hard to think what the best answer would be in this situation. I looked at Nikolai for help but he just stared dumbfounded. I guess he was blindsided by the comment too. With a sigh, I turned my attention to her. “Listen Tasha. That girl was probably exaggerating. There are many married couples that have multiple children. I don’t think my mom loves my brother any more or any less than me. Make sense?”
She nodded seriously. “My mom was going to have a baby when she died.”
“Oh.” I met Nikolai’s gaze and saw confirmation in his eyes. I never asked how her parents died. I regretted it now because I wasn’t sure how to respond to that.
“Would you like to know which two schools we’ll be seeing later this week?” I was glad when Nikolai steered the conversation away from these topics. I would have to applaud Scarlett for choosing to work with small children. It was like a whole new world, filled with landmine type questions.
Luckily, Tasha jumped on that question and the rest of the dinner was spent discussing cool things about schools.
As soon as we finished dinner, Nikolai’s phone buzzed and he had to leave us. Tasha decided on the shower so I just sat by the bathroom floor chitchatting with her about the latest superhero movie when my phone buzzed.
I looked at the message and my heart stopped.
*Hey, Picasso*
There were only two people in the whole world that knew about that nickname. Not even my brother knew it.
*Yes? Who is this?*
It didn’t hurt to be cautious.
My phone buzzed again.*It’s Doc Ballet*
“Oh my God,” I exclaimed. It was Anastasia.
“What?” Tash called out.
“It’s nothing,” I quickly told her. “Don’t forget to rinse your hair off.”
Another message came through.*Can you talk?*
What kind of question was that?*Yes!*
My phone started ringing instantly, and I couldn’t press the answer button fast enough.
“Hey, Olivia.”
My throat closed and I barely got my words out. “Oh my God, how are you?”
Anastasia’s laugh was so familiar. “I’m out of the hospital, back at Dimitry’s place. My dad and grandfather are here too.”
“I was so worried,” I murmured. It has been such a long time, a lifetime.
“I know; I’m sorry. I was so worried about you too. Are you okay?” I knew what she was asking. I never admitted it to her. I could barely think it, never mind actually speak the words of his abuse. “Did he… has he-”
“No, I saw him once for a brief minute.” We’d go into details when we had more time. “How are you feeling? What were you thinking taking a bullet for someone?”
“I wasn’t thinking,” she spoke softly over the phone. “But I wouldn’t change it. We are both here and everything is great.”
“Hmmm, okay.” I didn’t consider healing from a bullet great, but I wasn’t going to argue.
“Guess what?” I could hear excitement in her voice and my lips curved into a smile. Her excitement was always so contagious. “He proposed!” Although Nikolai already told me, it was wonderful hearing it. Now I was excited too.
“That is wonderful. I am so happy for you.” If anyone deserved it, Anastasia did. “Will you wait to… hmmm, consummate the marriage?”
Her laugh echoed through the phone, followed by a yelp. “Ouch.”