With his gaze focused on my mouth, he turned. He left Andrey behind as he made his way to us, my eyes never wavering from him although I felt uncomfortable about taking another lick. Because damn it, when he stared at me like that, it seemed totally suggestive. And I was really just enjoying my ice cream. I had to continue licking my ice cream or risk it melting in my hands.

“Olivia,” his voice went through me like a dark vibration, and I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation. Good thing I had sunglasses on; otherwise, I’d be caught red handed.

“Yes?” My voice came out a bit breathless. I cleared my throat and asked, “What is going on that you have Andrey all worked up?”

“What makes you think he’s worked up?” he asked, his voice calm as ice. I looked back to his security man who was barking orders at the rest of the staff.

“I don’t think I’ve heard him raise his voice once since I’ve been here,” I told Nikolai. And there he was, ready to bite someone’s head off. Even Ilya who was usually stoic as a mountain was slightly rattled. Not that I spent that much time with him.

“You miss nothing, do you?” he asked, slightly amused. I had a feeling he was trying to distract me.

“Oh, trust me,” I murmured. “I missed plenty of signs in my life. I just don’t intend to repeat that mistake.”

I wasn’t sure why I said that. Maybe it was my warning to him that I intended to keep my distance from him, or maybe it was a warning to myself to watch for all the signs because something was happening for sure.

Chapter Twenty-One


Olivia Fray was the only thing on my mind.

After I dropped her and Tasha off safely at the mansion, I left with Andrey and Ilya. I told her to be dressed and ready at seven p.m. I knew she was dying to tell me she wasn’t going, but she didn’t want to be rude and disappoint Tasha who got all excited to help her pick a fancy dress.

I regretted not being able to spend all day with Olivia and my niece. When her brother called earlier, he indicated Malcome had hired more men to look for Olivia. He even pressured his contacts at the FBI to get involved. He was desperate to get his hands on Olivia again. I would never allow it.

No sooner had we stepped onto my boat, Ilya and Andrey informed me there was a man inquiring about a redheaded woman living at my address, offering a large prize to anyone with information. Andrey tracked him down and captured him.

So here I was. I should be concentrating on questioning the man tied up in front of me. Instead, I was fantasizing about her soft skin, that red, taunting mouth. I couldn’t wait to kiss her sweet pussy again. After all these years, I finally understood what pussy whipped meant. After last night, that was all I could think about. I wanted to eat her up again and then drive my cock into her.

“Why are you asking around about a redhead woman in my house?” I growled coldly, my hands in my pocket.

“You have me mistaken for someone else,” the man lied.

I wanted to kill him but he was currently the only lead we had with any information. My gut was telling me that Malcome Schmidt had his hand in it. Oliver had looked up this guy and we couldn’t find any connections between the man tied up and Malcome but my gut feeling was rarely wrong. Malcome Schmidt was trying to get to Olivia.

I would never allow that.

I wanted to unleash my anger on him and beat the shit out of him till his last breath left him. But I held back.

“You know exactly who I am talking about,” I told him coldly. “But no matter. My men will help you remember. Very slowly and very painfully.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” he insisted. I had no time for this guy’s bullshit. My fist connected with his face.

“Ilya, show him what’s next.” When he saw how we played, he’d cave in faster.

Ilya pulled out a saw and put his hand flat against the armrest of his chair.

“You pick the finger to cut first,” Ilya’s voice was all business, ready to get started.

“Wait, wait,” the guy panicked. Maybe he’d finally started talking.

“Who hired you?” I gritted through my teeth.

“Vlad hired me,” he announced in a panicked tone. “I swear, Vlad hired me. He said to find out who the redhead woman is in your house.”

I didn’t expect that. Why would Vlad care about any woman in my home? It could have been a woman that dated one of the people that worked for me.

“What have you reported?”