Yeah, right! He is irresistible and you know it.
I pulled my dress up to right below my thighs, his eyes were on me dark with desire. I wasn’t that inexperienced not to recognize when a man desired me. For some bizarre reason, it gave me a bit of courage I needed as I sat down at the edge of the pool and slid my legs into the pool. But the images swirling in my mind were making me ache so bad.
I watched him carefully but he never moved from his spot, and each minute that went by without him moving, I relaxed a bit more.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” my voice sounded soft to my own ears, like I was talking to a lover.
What is going on?I thought.I was just telling my brother how just the thought of dating makes me break out in cold sweat. And here I sounded like I was flirting with him?
It was just an attraction, I justified. This man was dangerous for me; his darkness was pulling me to him. I wasn’t out of the danger zone of Malcome Schmidt’s clutches. Best thing was not to get close to anyone. The fucked-up shit Malcome did to me damaged me.
“I wanted to keep it a surprise,” he told me and then continued. “You are up late. Date?”
I shrugged my shoulder. “I guess, something like that.”
Something crossed his face but it was gone before I could zoom in on it.
“You look good in blue,” he commented, and his voice alone was pure sex.
I looked down to my simple dress and back at him. I frowned, unsure if he was teasing me or being sincere. But did it really matter?
“Thanks,” I finally answered with a slight sarcasm. “You bought it so I would hope you wouldn’t buy shit you don’t like.”
Was I mental to say that? Yes, I must have lost my mind. But if I offended him, he didn’t act like it. He smiled, actually looking pleased.
“I’m surprised he didn’t try to take you home,” his voice was a soft murmur although he was still in the same spot. I swallowed hard.
“So he did try,” he carried on. I nodded although it was stupid.
This time he moved and I watched his movements towards me. He reminded me of a jaguar, moving like I was his most precious prey.
He stopped in front of me but didn’t touch me.
“What’s the matter, love?” he asked softly. “He wasn’t your type?”
I shook my head.
“No,” I confessed in a whisper. “I don’t particularly like the physical part of dating.”
Although I liked Nikolai and his lips. I wasn’t sure what my type was. Two weeks ago, I would have sworn I didn’t have a type and pretty much despised men with the exception of my brother and Brian. But now I knew how Nikolai’s lips felt against my cheek. It may have been a week since he kissed my cheek but the feeling still lingered. And what was shocking me was that I wanted more of his touch.
His expression didn’t change at my confession; there was still a dark desire in his eyes.
“What do you like?” His question shocked me. Nobody had ever asked me that.
I frowned trying to think back to what I liked, before Malcome. I used to like kissing, but not anymore. I didn’t have much experience to reference back to the times before him to figure out what I liked.
“I used to like kissing before… well, a long time ago. Not so much anymore,” I answered in a low voice, shrugging my shoulder.
“I could kiss your pussy,” he murmured softly. “What if I bury my face between your legs, would you enjoy that?”
Our gazes locked, and it was impossible to tear my eyes from him. My breathing hitched just imagining it. What was happening to me? The idea of him touching me excited me. But he wasn’t just anyone. He was distinctly Nikolai, and I wanted to feel more of his touch. Hearing him say those words out loud, set me aflame.
I swallowed hard. I had never had that done to me.
I remained silent staring at him, trying to imagine how that would feel. If anyone else had been so forward with me, I’d be running the other way. Coming from him, it made me hot and achy between my thighs.
“You are meant to be worshipped, Olivia. But if at any moment you want me to stop, I’ll stop immediately,” his words were a soft promise. “If you don’t like it, tell me, or better yet show me, what you want.”