“Roger that,” he replied, and I ended the call. Cracking my neck, I tried to release tension. I was wound up. I started for the house in search of Olivia when my watch beeped signaling an emergency from the alarm panel.

Andrey ran towards the gate, along with a few other guards. This better not be what I think it was. I was ready to kill anyone that dared to trespass onto my property and threaten my family.

I headed in the direction of my security when I caught movement from the corner of my eye. Turning my head towards it, my heart froze. There was a man climbing up the side of the mansion, almost at Olivia’s balcony window. With Tasha’s window on the other side of the house it was clear who he was headed for. And I would bet money she was taking a shower in her room, not in our room upstairs.

Fuck, it means the house is being watched.If they knew which window was Olivia’s, we would have to move immediately. I trusted my men explicitly; they wouldn’t betray me.

I pulled out my handgun as I ran closer to that side of the house and aimed.

Bang.A loud echo sounded through the air.

It only took one precise shot, at his torso, and he lost his grip. I watched him without an ounce of regret falling to the ground, his body hitting it hard. It bounced off once, like a ragged doll. Watching the body at my feet bleeding, his neck broken, I felt nothing. It would seem at the core I was still ruthless.

The window opened, prompting me to raise my head. Olivia’s red hair peeked through it; she was wrapped in a towel. Her eyes searched frantically then landed on the body at my feet. Instantly she paled; staring at the body, unmoving. I heard voices behind me, my guards running, but I ignored them all. Nobody mattered to me except for this woman up there watching the scene splayed before her, frozen.

“There must have been two of them,” Andrey spat out and followed up with several curses.

“Do you have the other one?” My voice was calm, emotionless. It was what I grew up doing; killing men. Killing threats.


Olivia’s eyes slowly moved away from the broken body sprayed at my feet and our gazes met. There was sadness there, resignation, and it was killing me not to go to her. I wanted to comfort her, wipe out all her worries. I wanted to assure her she was safe with me. I’d burned down this planet before I’d let anyone hurt her again. But first I had to interrogate this man’s accomplice.

Even from down here, I could see she fought her fears. Swallowed hard, she slightly nodded her head and shut the window. It was as if she was shutting me out.

“Want us to hold off the interrogation till you see to Olivia and your niece?” Andrey asked. Since we haven’t seen Tasha, I was sure she slept through this. At this moment, I was grateful that my niece was a heavy sleeper and slept through anything.

“No, order this mess cleaned out before Tasha wakes up,” I commanded in a firm voice. “We will pay a visit to our uninvited guest. Put two men with Olivia and Tasha at all times till we get back.”

Andrey nodded, remaining quiet although I saw it written on his face he didn’t agree. Smart man!

Olivia would have to wait; I had to ensure there were no other threats lurking around. How could I tell her she was safe, if she was getting attacked in my own home? Just the thought of how close this man got to her made me want to bellow in rage and kick his lifeless body.

Without a backward glance, I walked towards the building in the back of my property. We parked vehicles that didn’t fit into my garage there. Maybe I was getting too soft in my old age. I should have built a place where I could take enemies for questioning. I shouldn’t do it in my own home, on my own property where my family resided. But here we were so it would have to do.

We have never had trespassers and so there was never a need for it before. Although now, I was glad it was there. I didn’t want this trash anywhere near Olivia or Tasha. This was the furthest spot from the house.

Each step I took away from the mansion, my fury intensified. By the time I entered the side room with our captive, I was fuming with rage.

Sitting in front of me was a pitiful excuse of a man. He was bald, his ears sticking out like someone had been stretching them away from his head. He smelled like garbage but I made no mistake of underestimating him. Underneath it all, there was a big, strong body.

He sat in the chair tied up.

“So to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” I asked him in a deceptively calm tone.

“I came to the wrong house,” he spat out.

“Your friend that was climbing up to enter my home came to the wrong house too?” A slight flicker passed his face. It wasn’t much but it was enough for me. “He’s dead, by the way.”

Now, fear entered his eyes. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“My mistake then,” I told him nonchalantly. “Forget what I said. Now, let’s try one more time. Why are you here?”

“I told you,” he tried to sound tough but his voice shook. “Wrong house.”

“Ilya, would you do the honors?” My eyes never wavered from him. I better let Ilya start the torture because I was sure I’d wind up killing the man. Just the thought of his dirty paws on my woman made me see red.

Ilya stepped forward without a word. His first fist to the man’s face came without a warning.