My head was covered with the cloth, and I couldn’t see jack crap. Kidnapped! From the sounds of it, I was kidnapped by Russians because they hadn't said a single world in English, yet.
And I woke up in such a great mood. I slept like a baby and nothing beat waking up with Nikolai’s arms wrapped around me. I knew he had been busy lately and under a lot of stress, so when I woke up, I got dressed quietly and snuck out so he could get some sleep. He needed it.
Now, I regretted that decision. Thinking jogging along the shoreline was safe and would provide me inspiring views as the sun rose up, I noticed too late a small boat hiding in a little cove. Before I had time to react the men snatched me.
Now here I was, at the mercy of some assholes. God, I hoped they weren’t working for Malcome.
Why would random Russians kidnap you?
Deep down, I knew the only reason for taking me would be Malcome. There was nobody else in the world that had any interest in me. And that thought had me quivering on the inside. I prayed that Nikolai’s guards noticed very soon I had been taken.
He’ll come for me. He loved me.
The boat engine stopped, and the silence after it was almost deafening. I heard the seagulls in the distance and smell of the sea and fish invaded my senses. The men shuffled me out of the boat.
“There you are,” a familiar voice greeted me but I couldn’t quite place it. I wished they’d remove the cover off my head. What did they think I would do? Call someone? They took my iPhone and headphones. I was really irked by my day taking such a downward turn.
“Who are you?” I asked although I didn’t think he would answer me.
“Vlad.” His answer surprised me and scared me. That fact he was willing to tell me his name meant he didn’t think I’d live long enough to share it.
Oh fuck!
I really hoped Nikolai was awake by now and on the move to come and get me. I had no doubt he would come after me.
“Nikolai will be pissed you kidnapped me,” I muttered, although I wasn’t sure why I bothered.
“I’m sure he will,” was all the man retorted. “So you are his woman?”
And then I remembered the voice. It was the man that asked me questions about Nikolai’s house in St. Petersburg. The man from the gate.
Yeah, I would not answer any of his questions.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked instead.
“To Malcome.”
I would have rather heard anything but that. Take me to the slaughter house, take me to my coffin, take me anywhere but to that sick bastard. But I held back my whimper and my words. I wouldn’t give him more power over me than what he already had. Nikolai would come for me. I knew he would. And until then, I would fight. I had to keep myself together and keep my mind sharp.
“Is the head cover really necessary?” I asked in a calm voice, ignoring the panic inside me. The sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline was helping. I tried to zero onto that sound rather than my erratic heartbeat.
“Yes, it is,” he answered curtly.
The next thing I knew, I was shuffled into a vehicle for a short drive. When they pulled me out of the car, I heard sounds of airplanes taking off in the distance and knew we were at the airport.
Where the fuck is the airport security?I wondered. But then, that was Russia for you, wasn’t it?
They didn’t give a crap there is a woman bound here with her head covered. If I didn’t look like a captive, I wasn’t sure who did.
He led me forward and I stumbled.
“I’ll tell you when steps start,” Vlad’s voice echoed through the wind.
For a blink of a second, I debated whether it was smart to start screaming but then scolded myself for even doubting it. It might be my only chance. So I drew a deep breath in and let out a piercing scream praying someone would pay attention and do something about it.
I must have surprised my captives because as my screams carried through the wind, they didn’t stop me at first. And then shouting started in the far distance.
“Fuck,” Vlad’s voice was slightly panicky as he pushed me hard up the stairs, and I tripped, my kneecap hitting the stair.