Anastasia chuckled softly, completely unfazed. “Really, Oliver? Your sister and I will whip your ass when we see you. And you, Nikolai, I heard you quite like it when Olivia is on your lap.”

Andrey and Ilya both promptly laughed. “Olivia told you?” I questioned her.

“No,” Anja laughed. “But you just confirmed it. Although I hear congratulations are in order. Could we have a double wedding?”

“What?” Dimitry and Sergei asked in unison, shock in their voices. Fuck, I haven’t told my brothers yet about the engagement. I was trying to keep it to myself just a tad bit longer. I didn’t want to share the news till Malcome was eliminated.

“You are getting married too?” Sergei asked incredulously.

“Yes, Olivia and I are getting married,” I told them both. “To get back to the purpose of this call. Malcome and Vlad are related and this must have been in works all along. The only hiccup in their plan is the three of us. They never anticipated Manciatti calling Dimitry to save Anastasia.”

“See, I was right,” Anastasia spoke softly, and by the sound of her tone, I knew she was speaking to Dimitry. Her voice always softened when she spoke to my brother. Just the way Olivia’s did when she spoke to me. “Sergei kind of started a positive chain reaction.”

Dimitry grumbled something.

“Does that mean you are no longer mad at me, Anja?” Sergei asked. He didn’t sound his usual cheery self.

“No, it doesn’t,” Dimitry answered on her behalf.

“Don’t answer for me,” she scolded him. “It means, Sergei, I am softer towards you. And my punishment for you won’t be as harsh as initially planned.”

“That’s good to know,” Sergei replied. What the fuck was it with him? With all of them?

“To get back to business,” I stirred everyone back from their cloud. Because, damn it, I wanted to get to my woman too. “Ilya found Malcome’s routine. He goes out every morning to a newsstand all alone. We should strike him at that time.”

“Why does he go to the newsstand?” Sergei asked.

Ilya chimed in. “He buys a paper and passes a message to the salesman. Vlad calls that stand every day at noon asking for an update. We were able to tap into the line. They are searching for Olivia. Malcome has a large reward for her on the black market and will pay anyone that delivers her to him.”

“That fucking, sick asshole,” Anastasia muttered, and I couldn’t agree with her more.

“Why is Malcome so bold to go out without his guards?” Dimitry’s question made sense, but we didn’t have an answer that made sense.

“Olivia asked the same question,” Ilya responded. “She said he always dragged his bodyguards with him no matter what time of day or night, so this seemed odd.”

“It must be a trap,” Dimitry retorted.

“I agree,” Sergei added. “Men like that don’t change their habits overnight.”

“I have to agree too,” Oliver chimed in. “And that bastard is sneaky. You’d rather have a snake on your side than that fucking perverted bastard.”

Maybe blowing that house down with Malcome in it might be the best outcome,I debated.

“We can’t keep sitting in wait for him to get her,” I told them. “We either move and attack, or he will have every thug in this country coming after her.”

“I have to agree with you, brother,” Dimitry retorted dryly. Although he didn’t seem too happy about it. “Sergei, what do you think?” he asked our youngest brother, and I saw it for what it was. It was Dimitry’s way to raise a white flag, a truce.

“If we do nothing, there will be more and more men coming after Olivia. We’d be sitting ducks,” Sergei commented. “We have a better chance to go after him and end him.”

“So we all agree?” I glanced around the room and both my men were onboard. “Oliver, you have your military career to think about so you monitor our security and be our eyes.”

“But-” he tried to change my mind but there was no changing it.

“No buts. Take care of the casino and be our eyes.” When he remained quiet, I continued. “Sergei, we can’t afford to have you lose track of Vlad and what he is doing with the Polish. So you keep monitoring him.”

“Roger that.”

“You better not even think about telling me to stay watching Naryan-Mar,” Dimitry’s voice was firm. “Misha and my men will ensure Anastasia and her folks are safe. I am going with you, and I’ll bring extra men.”