“That will happen when hell freezes over,” I mumbled as I walked towards his room and opened the door for him. He put both his hands against the wall and trapped me between them.

“Then hell is freezing over,” he whispered and gently bit my earlobe. Against my good sense, a moan escaped my lips and I leaned closer. It must have been all the encouragement he needed because he pressed his body against mine, his lips trailing down against my neck. My fingers tangled up in his hair pulling him closer. My body relapsed. The addiction, needing his hands and mouth on me, was overwhelming. His mouth was on mine, his kiss was possessive, almost desperate although I wasn’t sure which one of us was more desperate.

“Gemma,” Deila’s voice reached me through the haze.

“Fuck,” Kristoff mumbled against my lips, his hard body pressed against mine. He didn’t even bother moving away from me. I laid my palm on his chest and slightly nudged him away.

“Yes,” I answered her in Croatian, my voice raspy and breathless.

She spotted us and stopped in her tracks, glancing back and forth between Kristoff and I.

“I have a date tonight,” she started in Croatian, her voice sounded as if she was trying not to laugh. “I see yours has started heating up. I have to go, but I’ll be back in a few days.”

I just nodded, scared my voice would fail me.

Then she switched to English. “Maybe you two should go into the room and continue.” I groaned at her and she burst into laughter then turned around leaving us behind.

“I think that's an excellent idea,” Kristoff’s voice was full of promises.

I shook my head.

“We need to talk,” he remarked. “About the pregnancy and our plans.”

“No,” my voice was still breathy. “We wouldn’t be talking and you know that.”

His gaze was intense and I found myself staring into those beautiful emerald eyes. “You can’t avoid me forever. We are connected for life now.”

I was unsure how to take that. It didn’t sound like a complaint, but it didn’t sound like he was thrilled about it either.

Pushing him gently away, I answered him walking away, afraid I’d cave in and enter that room with him. “We’ll talk about pregnancy some other day. And not in your room.”

I couldn’t get away from him fast enough, forcing myself not to glance back at him. I quickly took the stairs down, noting Rick and Jonathan were still in the same spot.

“How could he have known we were here?” My voice was frustrated as I glared at both of them.

“I don’t know,” Rick answered defensively. “I didn’t tell him. I promise.”

“Where are the kids?” I questioned and glanced around trying to spot them while pulling my hand through my hair in nervous movements. Every time I was around that man, I got all rattled.

Jonathan spoke up now. “Gemma, you have to calm down.” His voice portrayed calmness and reasonableness. “Betty went to tuck them in. Don’t be upset, it is not good for the babies.”

I looked at Jonathan and wanted to bang my head against the wall.

My voice was shaky. “I can’t be around him for the rest of the summer!”

I looked at both of them and I just had enough for the day. I went in search of Betty and the kids. I was never sure anymore where the little ones were, they kept swapping bedrooms. I peeked in the girls’ bedroom and found Betty’s kids along with mine all asleep. It never fails, the sea wears them down each time. I tiptoed quietly to each of them and kissed them goodnight. After the little ones, I sneaked into Sienna’s room and did the same.

I found Betty in her bedroom. “Thank you for tucking them all in. You are the best.”

“You do it all the time. They could barely keep their eyes open to brush their teeth,” she chuckled. “They are out like a candle for the night.”

“I saw.”

“Are you ok?” Her question was hesitant. “Kristoff being here and with another woman.”

“It’s his cousin apparently.” My voice was shaky. “I really shouldn't be surprised he found me knowing him.” Silence stretched between us while I was lost in my thoughts.

“I need my space so I can get over him!” I mumbled.