I glanced out the glass door before I took the stairs up to my bedroom, and I saw him lean back in his driver’s seat, tucking his expensive jacket behind his head as a pillow.

“Billionaire Kristoff Baldwin sleeping in a car in front of my house,” I mumbled and went up the stairs. “Now that would be a front page story.”

I got into my comfortable bed and felt guilty for a fraction of a second that Kristoff was probably uncomfortable, cramped in his car. But only for a fraction of a second, and then I decided he deserved it!

Sleeping was almost impossible. I kept checking on Kristoff, peeking through the window. I wasn’t sure if I hoped he would finally drive off, or that he’d stick it through all night.

Between restless dreams and checking on Kristoff all night, I gave up on sleep and got up at six a.m. I pulled my hair into a bun, took a quick shower, and brushed my teeth. I decided it was better to get dressed rather than strolling around half naked with Kristoff in my driveway.

So I pulled on a pair of capris and frowned.

They felt a bit snug. I sucked my stomach in and buttoned them up… barely. I found a blouse in forest green and put it on. I glanced in the mirror, and satisfied I looked decent, went downstairs to fix some coffee.

Honestly, I was surprised Kristoff was still in his car in my driveway. I was confused why he’d put himself through the discomfort. He certainly owed me nothing.

Maybe an apology,I snorted to myself.

The fact that he stayed sleeping in his car all night to ensure I was safe made me soften toward him by a tiny notch. Although his words from yesterday still hurt, it was hard for me to get past it to think rationally.

I fixed a pot of coffee, because by now I knew by heart how he loved his coffee, and went out onto my porch. I just caught him stepping out of his Range Rover, stretching his legs and his body. He took his tie off sometime in the night, his white crip shirt wasn't so crisp anymore, his sleeves were rolled up, and his pants slightly wrinkled. He still looked good. I stood motionless, appreciating the view of his backside, when he turned around and caught me ogling him.


“You can use a guest bathroom if you want to freshen up. There are packaged toiletries there. Help yourself to anything.” I turned around and he was right behind me. “I’ll be on the back porch with my coffee. There is a pot of coffee in the kitchen, if you want some.”

Enjoying the view of the bay and the quiet, I sat on my back porch waiting for Kristoff. This view is something I could never tire of. I heard the door open, and I knew it was Kristoff. He sat on a single seater with a full cup of coffee, as if he was unsure whether he’d be welcomed to sit next to me although there was plenty of room. He looked completely refreshed.

“It’s nice to see you are capable of making your own coffee.” I retorted still feeling bitter from yesterday’s events.

He smiled with that gorgeous mouth of his. “Yes, I am,” he answered. “But I love it when you bring it to me. It is the highlight of my day.”

I clamped my mouth, not wanting to comment on it, and locked my eyes on the horizon.

“This view is stunning,” he murmured. I looked at him with a smile and was surprised he was not looking at the bay but at me.

“It’s my favorite part of this house,” I commented, his eyes never wavering away from me. I turned my eyes back to the sea, relishing in the calmness it brought me.

“I came after you,” he started. My head snapped back to him. I couldn’t imagine Kristoff going after anyone. Maybe he cared at least a little for me? Considering how hard his words hit me, it seemed I cared for him a lot. I forced my eyes back to the sea horizon. He continued, his soft voice like a light caress I was craving. “After you ran off, I came after you, to find you. I tried calling you over and over again. Why didn’t you answer? I thought you were dead, your car left in the garage and your purse in the office. Those hours were the worst hours of my entire life.”

I sighed and glanced at him. He looked sincere, but I couldn’t yet move past the pain he caused me. How was I supposed to forget those words when they had opened so many scars? There were so many invisible scars between the two of us. I just wasn't sure that either one of us was ready for any of this.

“Gemma, I am sorry,” Kristoff's voice was sorrowful. “Forgive me.”

“I don’t know where my phone is,” I replied. I wasn’t sure why of all things, I opted to say that but it was the first thing that came out of my mouth. “I didn’t see your calls.”

“We are good for each other,” he whispered as he leaned closer to me, like he heard my thoughts. “You know we are.”

I looked at him dubiously and shook my head.

“Gemma,” his voice was warm and firm as he spoke. “We are perfect for each other. I want you, and you want me, nothing ever felt as right as us.”

I held his gaze, desperately wanting to agree with him but what happened yesterday held me back.

“You were a complete asshole yesterday. I understand your ex-wife hurt you but I'm not her. And I am nothing like her.” I took a deep breath and continued before I lost my courage. “My late husband wasn't the best man. Your accusations opened a lot of old wounds for me.”

“Please forgive me.” His voice was sincere, regret evident on his face. “Tell me you don’t want me Gemma, and I’ll leave,” he vowed, and I had no doubt he meant it.

A breeze pushed my hair into my face, and I reached up to push an unruly piece of hair strand out of my face but Kristoff beat me to it. His fingers gently brushed it out of my face and took my fingers into his.